Wednesday, December 14, 2022

The Twelve Days of Gheorghemas: Day 4

On the fourth day of Gheorghemas; big Gheorghe gave to me:

Soon to be four on the floor. 

Lots of changes happening in the Squeaky household over the last 10 months. New job for me, hence less time floating around G:TB. Wifer leaving her job of only a year. Better for her sanity. And our son who focuses on two things outside of the daily school grind; tennis and guitar.

As most of you know I would go see any musical artist once in concert because live music is a great escape for a few hours. And while most people see the Covid isolation behind us, we as a family still stay close to home.

But with Covid there were a ton of postponed shows over the last two years. I managed to amass tickets to eight shows, maybe should have taken day 8, and the concerts rained down like dollar bills over the last few months. Some were good but it felt so good to get back out there for that shared experience with a bunch of random people.

The Concerts

Mercury Rev opening for Brian Jonestown Massacre. Caught up with an old friend of Zman’s, JP, but missed Zman. Stupid mid-week show. He was missed. The Rev outplayed BJM.

OMD. Amazing light show and video backdrop. Sounded great if electronic new wave music from the 80’s is your thing.

Roxy Music. Highlight: back seeing shows with my cousins, who formed a lot of early music listening. These guys, Roxy Music, were old. I was among the youngest at this show. Did not know what to expect but they sounded good.

New Order and Pet Shop Boys. I have seen New Order five times. Their sound always seems to suck. Early on they were drunk and/or on drugs, now they phone it in. Pet Shop Boys completely outplayed them. They sounded great for an outdoor venue.

Gorillaz. First show for my son and his friend. Would recommend seeing them if you dig their music.

Yo La Tengo opening for Japanese Breakfast. Really went for Yo La Tengo but both acts were really good. I was definitely the oldest person at this show.

The Joy Formidable. Post punk Welsh band. Got to hang with the band prior to the show. Always a great show. Just bring your earplugs. For a three piece they are loud.

The Smile (Thom York from Radiohead). Went with my neighbor, visualize a tall Ned Flanders. We actually call him Okily Dokily. And another local friend who likes heavy metal music tagged along. This was going to be an interesting night either way with both of these in tow. 

But a low point turned into relief when a dude 15 feet from us had a medical emergency. Down on the ground not responding. Security revived him in front of our eyes and carried him out of the venue while my heavy metal friend filmed the bass player playing their bass with a violin bow unaware what was going on.

But I digress, Gheorghemas is about giving, So why four on the floor? My aspiring musical son currently has two pedals for his electric guitar. Thanks to input from Dave and Whit. Although I love music I am clueless when it comes to how all the equipment comes together.

Well, Santa is bringing him two more pedals, looper and compression ones. I will have to pretend the music is too loud in our house when my wife brings it up.

But the reality is, I am psyched to have him continue to string random riffs from different songs together and recognize the tunes. For example, Stairway to Heaven>Seven Army Nation>Blur’s Song #1>Fire on the Mountain>Smells Like Teen Spirit>Master of Puppets>Something in the Way.

Makes me want to pick up that bass guitar my wife gave me a few years ago and learn to play it. That is If I can get it back from my sons’ best friend who is the bassist in their “band”.

Merry Gheorghemas. I hope you all have a great end to the year.


  1. That is utterly awesome.

    Question… Fire on the Mountain: GD or MTB?

  2. Cool post. Props to you, for courage or willingness to mix. Still cannot bring myself to wade into crowds, even for music.

  3. Good luck getting your bass back, Squeaky.

  4. y'ever notice that flea and squeaky both have 'ea' in them?

  5. Rob, do you recall that Squeaky was Flea for Halloween on year in Pi Lam? He was the version of Flea with the stuffed animal pants. Great costume.

  6. And Squeaky, we need a bassist in Random Idiots! Get going.

    I had told rob to learn bass whilst on sabbatical, but now I think bongos for him. We used to call him Popcorn since his drum beats had the rhythm of a microwave full of popcorn, but that was a long time ago.

  7. My daughters are 8,603 miles away from me right now. I don't love that, but they are undoubtedly having an amazing experience. Amazing not like most people use it "this mac and cheese is amazing," but like something that will awe and amaze them.

    I gotta figure this is the furthest away from me they'll ever be for as long as I'm on this planet.

  8. where are they? fomenting discord in a third-world country? touring as roadies for squeaky?

  9. everyone got their trump nft digital cards yet? all the best people are getting them.

  10. My girls are in New Zealand for 2 weeks. Their mom’s 50th birthday trip, postponed a year by NZ closing their doors last year, back on now. They’re pumped.

  11. ah, new zealand. put a little shrimp on the barbie, eh?

  12. GD. My bass skills might just be Random Idiots level in a few years.

    One of my new year's resolutions is more G:TB. Daily wordle good but this is better.

  13. You got any photos from you as Flea?

  14. Sirius XM 710 - Indie 1.0. By far my favorite channel ever.

    That it’s internet-only is tragic on a global level.

  15. ncaa women’s volleyball semi on espn. san diego v texas. toreros are coached by jen (torns) petrie, w&m class of ‘92. she was a stud on the court for the tribe back in our day.

  16. I was just going to post the promo about Jen! (also a Kappa)
    she was named coach of the year today too

  17. looks like elmo's on a banning spree on twitter. my addiction may have an end date, after all.

  18. great first set for the toreros. and that's all i've got to say about that.
