Friday, December 16, 2022

The Twelve Days of Gheorghemas: Day Five

On the fifth day of Gheorghemas, Big Gheorghe Gave to Me

Five Good News Stories, courtesy of Shlara

Soon to be Four on the Floor

Three Habits Forming

Two beers with Marcus Aerelius, an OBX Dave Joint, and

Two(?) dudes bested by Kazansky

Last month, the NY Times had an opinion piece entitled "The Sandwich Generation is Getting Squished," and I was like "I feel seen." (Side note, I had a similar reaction to this tweet, accompanied by a gif of this runway walk the month before)

I have several go-to coping strategies to manage the squishing: 1) grocery store bakery cakes where there's as much icing as cake in every bite, 2) funny, human, feel-good TV shows like Ted Lasso, Abbott Elementary, Never Have I Ever, Insecure, NBA on TNT Studio show, The Office and Entourage, and 3) Reading good news stories. 

For my job, I need to pay attention to the news. I'm also curious and someone who likes to be "in the know" so even if I didn't *have* to keep up on current events, I would do that anyway. I read a lot of news. Most news isn't good. So you really have to make an extra effort to find good news stories. 

I'm sharing five of my favorite good news stories from 2022 for Gheorghemas. And if you want to infuse some good news into your weekly reading, here are a few reliable sources: 1) Subscribe to the Washington Post newsletter The Optimist; 2) follow Upworthy on social media

If you need life advice, press two. If you need a pep talk from kindergartners, press three.

Hotline is overwhelmed with callers seeking words of encouragement from elementary school students

A college student’s project helped free his childhood friend from prison

Homeless teen heads to college, makes basketball team: ‘It’s like a dream’

Jeremiah Armstead’s coach is NBA legend Kenny Anderson, someone who understands struggle

A new country, a new baby, and the universal bonds of parenthood

An Afghan family’s daunting resettlement, and the local parents who want to help

A broke marching band parades on Capitol Hill to practice. Magic ensues.

Though the Eastern High marching band has long struggled to pay for instruments, uniforms and trips, it is a beloved and accomplished fixture in the community.

And, because it’s Gheorghemas (and you dummies can't seem to count), I have two bonus stories:

Bullies mocked his shoes. His friend, 12, got him a new pair with his own allowance.

‘Can I use my allowance, or you can take something away that I would get for Christmas?’ seventh-grader Romello “Mello” Early asked his mother.

Baltimore Museum Guards Take Seats at the Curators’ Table

A diverse and kaleidoscopic art exhibition, curated by 17 members of its security staff, spotlights the perspectives of employees typically seen but rarely heard.


  1. i love this. i'm inexorably drawn to stories like these. always have been, at least as an adult.

  2. Capitol Hill is a good place for hijinx, even if you're not in Congress. My first job out of college found me there every Thursday with most of the day to kill. We had some epic games of makeshift frisbee golf in that neighborhood.

  3. here's an unexpected, if likely short-lived, benefit of unemployment. apparently i have expertise in a field. a consulting company was hepped to that fact by a former colleague, and reached out to ask me if i'd be willing to provide said expertise to one of their clients. i confirmed that the work didn't violate any confidentiality agreements i'd signed, and did about an hour's worth of work yesterday and today (40 minute phone call and a 10 minute follow-up email). for this, i'm being compensated an obscene amount of money (which they offered and i accepted quickly before they came to their senses), given the level of effort required.

    i don't think i can make a living doing this ('cause i assume it'd mean i'd have to actually go find clients and because i don't think i could charge this rate with a straight face or a clean conscience), but gracious, i could get used to it.

  4. Rob -if client number one finds value in your work, perhaps others will too. Don't sell yourself short.

    From my perspective, the bar for self promoting behavior to be considered shameless is now so low that not even you can wiggle under it without removing your spine, and I doubt you'd go that far.

  5. Thanks for posting this for me Rob. And I didn't call y'all dummies--that was Rob's editorial comment.

  6. dammit. thought i could sneak that past the re-editors.

  7. This is all pretty beautiful. Thanks, Shlara. And happy Gheorghemas to you.

  8. i hope your son lets you in the band, gormley!

  9. What teen wouldn't want to be in a band with their dad?

    My younger son starts his Nutcracker run now. Woke up feeling good this morning. Just in time.

  10. I’ve always wanted to be a consultant. Nobody really wants my consultation though.

    In other news, I just had some of the best barbecue in my life in Jacksonville Beach of all places. Beef rib, burnt ends, frito pie.

  11. in case i don't get to it in the morning, and because i know you've been eagerly awaiting it, my capsule prediction for tomorrow's world cup final. heart says argentina, head says france. les bleus haven't played a complete game yet, but they've been able to make the most of the moments when they had to. they're deeper. argentina are tougher and nastier and messier. france wins, 2-1, in added extra time.
