Wednesday, December 14, 2022

Redemptive Tweeting

Just when I thought that Twitter was utterly and permanently compromised, something came along and just made me smile.

The simplicity.

The brevity.

The on-brand messaging.

The truth.

Perhaps a subtle statement about its very social media platform vehicle.

But mainly, the middle finger to all you bright, shiny, smiley do-gooders out there during this holiday season.

Love it. Carry on.


  1. Original Macintosh had an add on that would make the garbage can play Oscar’s “I Love Trash” song when it was emptied. Still makes me smile.

  2. as always, if you're seeking the truth, you should have someone tell you how to get, how to get to sesame street.

  3. That tune and so many of the Classic Sesame songs came from the brilliant mind of Joe Raposo. Taken over 30 years ago in his prime by fucking cancer.

    Do yourselves a favor. Watch the recent Sesame Street documentary. Oh, but only if you like feeling good.
