Monday, April 18, 2022

Good Look!

Rob asked for filler...Rob asks, Rob receives. Image taken just a bit ago here at the office lavatory - shared by those "doing business" on the 6th floor. I'm happy to inform that the subject of the photo is not a co-worker.

Discuss! Note - I was doing a #1 at the adjacent urinal. 


  1. This is a real thing:

  2. is it a real thing for anyone here? do tell!

  3. Here's a shorter link:

    I've seen people wearing these before. I guess it's colder up here than Jacksonville.

  4. That's unfortunate. If ya need socks to wear your flip flops then shoes should be worn. Now get off of my lawn.

  5. I'm team Danimal on this one. gtfoh with your socks and flops.

    That person must be pretty confident in their in stall performance. I doubt too many people are rocking that look in the building.

  6. Rootsy - lots of younger folks here in our building. I'm definitely on the right side of the bell curve in the age category. In general, appearance standards aren't what they used to be. Maybe it was flopsock dude but a few weeks ago I actually saw a guy walking around the hall barefoot.

  7. Point taken, but even at work?

    Can you be a successful, functioning adult without ever putting on something other than track pants? If so, I may have to take back some regrettable "dad comments" from my past.

  8. Just doing my part to make my kids psychotic. At least the cats shit outside.

  9. I am with you. It's a real and pretty sad truth that many younger folks give no fucks about their appearance, even in the workplace.

  10. Quick pivot from workplace attire, but here's a link about former Tribe hoopster Daniel Dixon's older brother. Apparently, the entire family is muy impressive.

  11. I’ve always been appalled by people who wear their shower shoes to the office. You have fungus on your shower shoes!

  12. If you win 20 in Danimal’s office, you can let the fungus grow back and your colleagues will think you're colorful. Until you win 20 in Danimal’s office, however, it means you are a slob.

  13. The housing market today… madness, and I don’t mean Suggs’ outfit.

    Put an offer on a house yesterday. One of the nicest neighborhoods in my town, but the house was built in 1984 and looked super vintage. Kick ass quirky and cool. And has a pool. I could entertain for days.

    Probably needed $150k in renovations. Still listed for tip fucking top dollar. We put in a highly competitive offer in the range that the selling agent said could take it. And then the same shit happened that’s happening everywhere. Just got word from our agent via text:

    “We didn't get it. The contract they took was an unlimited escalation, unlimited appraisal guarantee and a $50,000 non-refundable deposit (after the inspection contingency is removed). What the actual fuck.”

    These here are crazy times. Fuck.

  14. I’ve talked to several folks lately who’ve said cash buyers are crushing anyone coming with offers tied to mortgage, appraisal, or any other stumbling blocks.

  15. Yeah, that makes it a bit challenging for the rest of us. F the “cashies”…

  16. Unlimited escalation is a scam created by real estate agents intended to separate fools from their money. Stay strong Whit, this is becoming another bubble.

  17. I'd like to sell my house while the market is insane and then buy when it bursts. Someone with a crystal ball tell me when that happens, please.

  18. Same here - a condo or home goes on the market and it gets 30-40 offers, cash with the escalators.
    With so many cash purchases taking place, I don't see the opportunity for a bubble, but maybe I'm missing something.

  19. Rates are now 5+ in many places, which could curb some of this activity. It's disappointing, to say the least, but I'd hate to be a first-time home buyer now.

  20. Wife and I have looked at a few places because we'd be able to make so much selling our current home (we bought it over 8 years ago and have completely renovated, put in a pool, etc). The problem is being able to purchase another home. The market is crazy.

  21. I don’t even know what unlimited escalation means. I do know that 100+ year old homes in my neighborhood are listing for 100K more than 6 months ago even. It’s nuts. People don’t even need to put a sign in their yard.

  22. happy 4/20 to all who celebrate

  23. we can't get a 420 filler post from someone?
