Wednesday, April 20, 2022

Is It That Day Again? So Soon?

Good morning, Sodom and Gomorrah. Good morning, sinners. No, that wasn't your radio set on the blink again.

While that Big Audio Dynamite lyric struck me as appropriate for some weird reason, here's another multicultural band with a fitting song to help you celebrate today. Read along!

And here's the quintessential scene from the quintessential bad brothers of bong. And oldie but a so very goodie.

Toke 'em if you got 'em.


  1. I've got my first jug band get together in ages tonight, so I believe I'll go ahead and do as the good Dr. Whitney suggests.

  2. The wife has never been a big smoker and her old company randomly tested (weird for a food company full of ex-chefs if you ask me) but she's recently joined me in the evenings after the kid is asleep. She's a lightweight so it's mostly small vape hits but its a start.

  3. y’all need to be prepared to be there for shlara. jay wright is retiring.

  4. I read that he was "considering" retirement. Surprising, either way.

  5. End of an era at Nova hoops. But this means more TV time for Jay, which is a win. And they are bringing back a former Nova assistant coach, who also played at Lehigh, to take over for Jay. Win-win
