Friday, April 15, 2022

Woman Drink Drunk

Not to mix secular pleasures with a weekend of somber religious observation while also using words from the wrong holiday, but I bring you glad tidings of great joy, friends.

On May 13, one of the legendary sketch comedy shows of our time returns for its sixth season. A mere 27 years after its fifth. 

Ladies and gentlemen, accompanied by Shadowy Men on a Shadowy Planet, I give you:

Watch it, or you will be...errradicated.


  1. yes!!!! that's so awesome. i am the eradicator.

  2. Coincidentally, that day will be the eighth anniversary of the first time I got shitfaced with Whitney.

  3. everyone knows that anniversary in their own particular story, no?

  4. They do when it’s their birthday!

  5. …but yes, they damn well should!

    Rob’s and Dave’s were each in 1988 on the Monroe Hall in Williamsburg, VA. Not sure what day.

  6. Tough night for the Trae Young is Mark Macon crew.

  7. Greetings from Columbia, SC. Still fun down here.

    hi gheorgies!

  8. I set my alarm for 7:30 to wake up my daughter and get ready for her soccer game. I woke on my own at 7. This old age thing is total bullshit.

  9. pour some out for wendy rieger, a genuinely excellent human being

  10. my kid made the cheer squad at colorado. she's either going there or doing a year at community college here. my wallet has one opinion, my heart another.

  11. Wendy Rieger was fantastic and will be missed. And from Norfolk, Va, I learned today.

  12. what started as a casual easter lunch at a local joint turned into a bar crawl for me and my wife (and our dog). pleasantly afternoon buzzed.

  13. Since many of your enjoy soccer, you may be interested in this article: Could a brain parasite found in cats help soccer teams win at the World Cup?

    Also, if you had an outdoor cat as a child, you have an increase risk of psychosis due to congenital toxoplasmosis.

  14. Juan Carlos with a deep dive into the Slate archives to let me know my children are at risk of psychosis!

  15. anybody got filler? be a lot cooler if you did.
