Thursday, June 10, 2021

Things I'll Never Do

My old nextdoor neighbor John is 65 years old. He's a CPA who likes to drink cheap beer and very good wine. 

In 2016, we orchestrated a nice dinner for his 60th birthday, during which he poured me not one but two successive glasses from of a nice bottle he opened from his collection. Château Lafite Rothschild, something he showed me was then valued at over $1,000 a bottle. Something like this. I'm so not worth it, and I was sure my unrefined palate wouldn't appreciate it. I was fairly wrong... it was amazing.

John's got a fairly squat frame, he's short with a large belly. He is an avid bicyclist, so he's in decent physical condition. He also scales mountains. He's been to the highest point of elevation in 47 of the Great 48 U.S. States. He tried to reach the apex of Granite Peak in Montana twice, but weather and other factors nixed it. 

Still... you wouldn't know it to look at him. I mean, based on my description of his physique you can probably pick him out of this photo.

So that photo was taken today in Moshi, Tanzania. John and his band of intrepid adventurers are beginning their ascent of Mount Kilimanjaro and its 19,340 feet as we speak.

I'm impressed as hell. And frankly, a little worried. Only 10 people a year die on Kilimanjaro. Rooting for him not to be one. And that he makes it to the peak.

Here's hoping it doesn't go like this:

Of course, his good buddy texted me that he's "taking the under on FanDuel -- he doesn't make it... for whatever reason." Ah, good friends.

Anyway, here's to the guts it takes to do such silly things. Fingers crossed and Godspeed, Johnny Boy.


  1. If the under pays out his old pal best throw a hell of a party in Johnny's honor.

    I'm getting to spend the weekend hanging with and supporting my old friend Nimblewill Nomad from my 1998 AT hike, who is trekking through our area on a quest to become the oldest to ever do it. He's walking 15 miles a day over mountains in pretty rugged terrain. He's 82 and will turn 83 on this hike.

  2. wow.and i thought i was intrepid because i went to the gym today and then played tennis (i would have never done this but i forgot i made a date to play tennis with my buddy and i didn't want to cancel).

    if i could climb any tall mountain, it would be kilimanjaro. it's the most fun to say.

  3. A tough old coot for sure. We rented a house at Wintergreen and we're going to put him up, feed him and help him along for a couple of days, so he can keep his pack weight to almost nothing.

  4. Our dear friend Greg and his twin brother scaled Kilimanjaro a few years back. The amount of prep involved was pretty daunting. But I’m also not big on the whole hiking thing. Florida man and all.

    Sneaky good sports day today. Nasal-Djokovic this morning and Italy-Turkey to kick off the Euros thai afternoon. Not a bad day to be working from home.

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