Thursday, June 10, 2021

Notify, Volume II

More "NOT-ify"...

Let's begin with some Zman recs. Z's favorite Notify track is this version of "Gin House Blues" by Nina Simone...

According to Z, "also available on Notify is the original version of I'm That Type of N**** by the Pharcyde which slaps orders of magnitude harder than the Spotify version (I assume there's a copyright issue with the sample)":

Back to the Whitney channel, here what's airing on my Notify waves...

Egregiously on Notify: De La Soul. Rob lamented this absence to me, Z has said it before, and it's a fact. We could put most anything below and it wouldn't be on mass streaming music, but we'll start at the start: album #1.

Arcade Fire does a killer take on my favorite Clash song.

And here's The Clash themselves with an early instrumental you can only find on Super Black Market Clash, "Listen." 

Aztec Camera taking Van Halen down a notch...

Camper van Beethoven - Last time was Key Lime Pie, here's Our Beloved Revolutionary Sweetheart. Starts out with a classic, Eye of Fatima. Favorites include a postmodern "O Death," "One of These Days," "Turquoise Jewelry," and "Tania," the rare song about Patty Hearst and the SLO.

Enjoy, and post more random stuff you can't find on the major music sites.


  1. De La Soul isn't available because the group won't sign off on a streaming deal. A few years ago they made their entire catalog free to download so I did, and I told you guys about it so I hope you did too. And it looks like De La will stream soon.

  2. I pulled the De La Soul when they put it up, weird napster-y file names and all.

    The CVB Oh Death is the Kaleidoscope arrangement. I dig em both.

  3. Zman, I just saw that this morning. Timely.

    Rootsy, I had not heard that version -- good pull.

  4. I had heard it years ago and just discovered it in my endless boxes of cassettes that I'm working my way through.
