Friday, June 11, 2021

Father's Day Gift Ideas

I like simple pleasures.

Alright, maybe not like that.  But most of you guys are relatively simple too.  We're simple men.

Chances are you already have all the stuff you think you need, and most of the stuff you want.  With that in mind, here are a few simple Father's Day gift ideas to request this year.

A beef jerky subscription from Craft Jerky Co.  Options include keto-friendly for TR, booze-infused for Whitney, hot & spicy (like "hot hot caliente") for Dave, gluten free for Marls, and paleo for rob (because he's old).

Some new sneakers.  Like these Nike Killshots for about $69 or these Nike Blazers for about $52.

A slimmed down wallet.  Like this for $40.  I made the move from billfold to card holder a few years ago and it's liberating.  You don't need to carry every membership card, collect-10-punches-get-a-free-sandwich card, car wash coupon, or receipt you've ever been handed.  All you need is some cash, your license, ATM card, a credit card, health insurance cards, and maybe a subway/rail pass.  The rest is all bullshit.

A Spotify subscription.  Then you can make contributions to Notify.

An OXO computer cleaner.  You probably spent the past 15-16 months working and living at your desk so your keyboard is full of dust and crumbs and your monitor is covered in sneeze stains and fingerprints.  This $10 widget makes all that go away really easily.

A duffel garment bag.  Like this one for $95 or this big one for $275.  This is so smart I wish I came up with it.  It's a garment bag with three flaps that fold up to form a duffel bag on one side of the garment bag, so when you have a one-day trip that requires a blazer or suit you can pack it in your carry-on.  Or you could just be like me and wad your suit into a ball, stuff it in the rollaboard and hope for the best.

A mountain glass from North Drinkware.  These guys hand-make pint glasses and tumblers with 3D reproductions of famous mountains rising from the bottom.  I can't fully explain it, you have to click on the link.  They have nifty topographical map coasters too.  And I went to high school with one of the company founders.

Now when your wife or kids ask what you want for Father's Day you don't have to lamely say "I don't know" or "Just spending the day with you is all the gift I need."


  1. I played a wedding one time where the groom's mom insisted on dancing with him to Simple Man. We opted to let the DJ handle that one. We'd already done a wagon wheel/here comes the sun mashup for the processional, and you've got to draw the line somewhere.

  2. there's a plethora of excellent dad-gear at huckberry (a place that has taken a whole lot of my money over the past couple of years), including glasses by whiskey peaks similar to those highlighted by zed.

  3. I was going through my garage this week as I progressed on my packing work. I found a sealed box from Yeti that had arrived a couple days ago. I guess my wife ignored all of my “ My Igloo cooler works just fine” comments. I think she ignores most of what I say, which is probably the right move by her.

  4. as mark and zed know, i scored myself a new pair of kicks for my birthday:

    no reason not to get a pair of something else for father's day, i suppose.

  5. If you want to go big on Father's Day:

    This is kinda sorta Mark's WCSAGD and it's in Denver so TR can pick it up for him.

  6. my father's day gift is two $$$ cornhole tournaments on father's day weekend (and a son who can drive, so i can drink). pretty sweet.

    also, it appears that next spring i will be a varsity tennis coach. training began today, a bunch of the players were over watching nadal/djokovich. that's how you want to hit it.
