Wednesday, June 09, 2021

Rob Lasso: Episode Seven

“You know what the happiest animal on Earth is? It’s a goldfish. You know why? Got a ten-second memory. Be a goldfish, Sam.”

Ever since I started documenting my first foray into coaching high school kids, I've been waiting for the right time to use that Ted Lasso quote. Yesterday afternoon, like manna from Heaven, the Lord provided.

It was hot at the outset of our district playoff opener on Monday, so much so that our athletic trainer wouldn't let us warm up on the artificial turf field on which we play our games. That heat turned out to create an advantage for us.

In the rubber match against a cross-town opponent we had the biggest crowd of our season to date, augmented by the full boys' varsity squad, who played in the second half of our soccer doubleheader. They were vocal and amusing, but they were disappointed when we went down 1-0 midway through the first half when our outside back pushed up to high and left Mac on an island with a pacy winger.

We evened the match a couple of minutes later when Dee won a ball in midfield and slipped Jennie free down the left wing. The latter got her defender on her hip and lashed a rocket inside the far post.

In the heat, our coach substituted liberally from the early minutes, while our opponent stayed with her top 13-14 players. That started to make a difference in the second half as we began to impose our will. Roo poster her opponent up and laid a ball off to Soph who blasted the gilt-edged chance over the bar.

Shortly thereafter Kenny rose up in traffic to win a header from a corner, and the ball fell to Soph, who shanked it...and it spun over the keeper's head and in. Looks like a rocket in the box score.

With 20 minutes to play, Kenz played an inch perfect diagonal ball into Sid's run. Sid slices through the tiring opponent's back line, and patiently slotted into the corner to put us up 3-1.

We had a breakdown in the back just a few minutes later to give one back and set up a nervy final 15. 

All hands on deck defending, and all fingernails chewed to the quick on the bench. With less than a minute to play, the opponent's district MVP striker slipped inside our back line, rounded Ellie, and was thwarted by emergency defensive work by Dutch and Breezy. Ellie came off her line just enough to force the striker wide, and that made all the difference as we held on for the 3-2 win.

Yesterday in practice, I was talking to Sid, who was down on herself because she didn't play very well (according to her). To which I said, "You know what the happiest animal on Earth is, Sid?"

I think you know the rest.

The win gives us another shot at the undefeated district champs, with a berth in the regional tournament on the line. The last time these girls played a full season, they were winless, so our 5-6 mark represents forward progress. But I'm sayin' there's a chance. We've got to play smart and physical, and we're gonna need to get a little bit lucky, and we need to forget about our first game against this team.

We need to be goldfish.


  1. At 811 AM, the DLC delivered. Good times.

  2. i got mine at 8:03. the dlc respects his elders.

  3. 8:24... saved the best for last

  4. I still haven't gotten one. I last got one in 2019. The DLC declined me, maligned me, un-6/9ed me.😢

  5. When's the next Rob Lasso game?

  6. tragic copy editing failure - i should've included that in the post. fairbank is gonna be so disappointed in me. the game is tonight.

  7. zson's orchestra recital was moved from tonight at 6:09 pm to tomorrow at 9:30 am. Very convenient for working parents. Also convenient--the school reminded everyone that you can't park in the school parking lot during business hours and you'll get towed if you park on the street. Enjoy the concert!

  8. It sounds as if they don't actually want the parents to come.

  9. So zson got into a minor donnybrook with a kid from up the street in zbackyard. At the conclusion he asserted "You're a bitch and you're always going to be a bitch. That's all you'll ever be, you bitch." Then he came inside and ate gummy sharks.

    The other kid then turned his ire to a different neighborhood kid, and they noisily grappled outside my office window. In perhaps my finest combined parenting/work-from-home moment, I opened the window and said "If you two want to fight, go fight outside one of your dad's windows while he's trying to work. Don't do it here." And so ended the fight.

  10. Working from home sounds great. Nice deployment of the word donnybrook. Sadly under-utilized these days.

  11. the dream died a painful death

  12. Most of em do, don’t they? There was progress and genuine caring and support involved, so it ain’t all bad, LilCoachLasso.

  13. The dream died, but the lessons learned along the way will live on.

    I am too busy being hazed at the new gig to parallel Rob's excellent coaching posts, but I am on the cusp of what will be my busiest stretch of youth coaching ever. I entered my team in our district tournament. I was emboldened b/c a couple years ago, a scrappy B team like mine, with an offspring of Juan Carlos himself, entered this tourney and made it through pool play and into the playoffs. If my kids go 2-2 in this district tournament, it will be a succes, IMO.

    But the issue is that before this event starts on Monday, I have my spring travel semi game on Sat. If we win against a team we already beat twice, we play in the finals the next day on Sunday.

    So either way, we'll be limping into a tournament against high-level competition on Monday. Would be nice to do so with a trophy in our hands.
