Saturday, June 12, 2021

Aloha! More Music! Les Coole!

You know what you were jonesing for? I do!

More Les Coole and the Cukes tunes!  Welp, the latest single is out.  And while I'd love to have a cue-in like the DJ at the 4-minute mark here:

I'll settle for my own "here ya go"... "Quitters"

What else is new out there among the gheorgherati?

FOGTB Lecky has an excellent new EP out called Pleasant Kingdom. It's an ear-opener. The guy who brought you this gem two years ago: brings you this!

...and this:

School's nearly out, so expect some tunes from Dave/Almighty Yojo. His new EP The Shed should come out this summer. And then Live in the Shed, followed by Living in the Shed.

I've seen Rootsy's studio. It needs some action, dude.

Also, Marls Sings Bing should hit record shelves by 2022.


  1. My studio is now the office of my printing company. But I do have a smaller space in the building that can serve the purpose. Perhaps I can record my ode to the Martha wood before OBFT happens.

  2. great songs! you and lecky have inspired me to get back in the studio-- i did some stuff this morning. do you mix and master your own tracks?

  3. Morning recording session? I’ve only done that when I wanted a deeper voice than I had naturally.

  4. christian eriksen fell to the ground without contact and has been receiving cpr for about 7 minutes. awful.

  5. We were watching the UEFA match between Denmark and Finland. OMDL. Frightening! Not sure I’ve ever seen anything like that happening. We pray Christian Eriksen is okay. So hard to watch.

  6. Was having a lovely afternoon at the beach down the street and then Florida went Florida. Massive thunderstorm out of nowhere. Guess I’ll have a beer on the

  7. cukes! quitting, underrated.

  8. Just flipped on nba game and first action I saw was Mitchell limping off. Clippers - Nets finals inching closer…
