Sunday, June 13, 2021

Rob Lasso: The Finale

“I think if you care about someone and you got a little love in your heart, there ain’t nothin you can’t get through together.” -- Ted Lasso

It was precisely because I've come to care for these kids that I was so righteously pissed off during the second half of our district semifinal.

Things started on a light note. I came across the picture below while scrolling through some of my photo library. The kid in the middle is my youngest. The two girls on the outside played against us this season. And the girl second from left is Breezy. 

I showed it to her during our pregame warmups, and she shrieked with laughter, which got the attention of the other girls, who enjoyed it tremendously. Sid gave me balloons for my birthday. So we were loose.

We knew we had to defend well, and get a little lucky. And 90 seconds in, we defended poorly, but Ellie made a pair of terrific saves. I felt like the lucky part was going our way.

Not to be. A minute later, the opponent chipped a pretty diagonal ball over our back line and their sublime freshman striker hammered one. All Ellie could do was parry it right into the run of one of their players, who tapped it home, and the rout was on.

We were down 6-0 at halftime, and it could've been worse. Ellie legitimately recorded 10 saves, and she came off her line another half dozen times to blunt breakaways. They were great, we were at sixes and sevens.

Not much to say at the half, other than play for each other and keep fighting. That worked for about
another minute. They scored twice in the first five minutes of the half to go up 8-0.

In Virginia high school soccer, if a team is up eight or more at the halfway point of the second half, the game is stopped. Mercy rule. Which meant we had 15 more minutes to go.

So we subbed in our backup keeper and seven or eight other girls who hadn't played much. Our opposing coach chose that moment to make a substitution as well. He brought his terrific freshman striker back into the game.

Hence my fury. 

I'm a pretty positive coach. When a kid does something wrong, I point out what she did well before I correct her. I give praise to opposing players when they do something well. I may occasionally offer commentary to the referees about my opinions regarding their interpretation of the rules. But I don't get mad. 

I got mad at the opposing coach, and I'm not proud of it. I wasn't profane, so there's at least that. But I lost my cool a bit and I don't love the idea that our kids heard it. I kinda like the idea that they knew I had their backs.

The opponent scored twice more before the mercy rule was invoked. They had two starters in the game at the end. We played all 25 kids we had dressed. Unconscionably bad sportsmanship. 

As Dutch was subbed out for the final time in her high school career, she collapsed in tears. Hard to watch a fighter and a leader like her get so emotional, but I get it. Natasha was unabashed in unleashing a stream of f-bombs upon her removal. Didn't hate it.

In our post-game huddle, which was understandably somber, I told the team they wouldn't remember this game in 10 years, but they'd remember the way they all came together as a team in a strange time. 

And I do believe that.

I'm still kinda pissed, to be honest. But it won't take me 10 years to remember the great experience I had in my first professional coaching gig. Hoping the AD extends my contract. Keep your eyes on the transaction wire.

Be a goldfish, friends.


  1. This has been a very enjoyable little saga for the GTB readers to follow. Kudos to rob for documenting the season.

  2. No French Open commentary from Z and such...

  3. Novak is Serbian for “big balls”

  4. The French Open final was highly entertaining. speaking of which, Netherlands-Ukraine has taken quite a turn. And suddenly, with Kyrie’s injury we’ve got a series in the easter conference. My couch is a fun place to be on this Sunday afternoon.

  5. pour some out for ned beatty. and hope he's remembered for more than that one thing.

  6. That lack of sportsmanship is really shitty. I can’t stand coaches who do crap like that and I have no problems barking at them about it.

  7. I disagree, Rob. Let’s all remember his role in The Toy. You don’t see that on cable much these days.

  8. a local friend of ours just started dating a dude who makes homemade edibles. just had a delivery. happy birthday to me.

  9. I also make homemade edibles. They come in the form of peanut butter cups. If the state of Florida is going to bless me, well, I might as well share the wealth.

  10. met with live humans in my office today. first time seeing a couple of my team members in person for 18 months. a bit surreal.
