Friday, November 20, 2020

Fashion is...not dumb?

TR sent me another doozy. As an expert in novelty socks, I think it is dumb. He was either being sarcastic, or genuinely thinks this is not dumb. Let us know your thoughts in the comments.

Note from TR: First off, I was in the scotch when I sent, so anything I said should be discounted. Second, these are not awesome in the sense that I want to own them and wear them. They are awesome in the theoretical sense that I will one day see people wearing these at sporting events, amusement parks, while hiking somewhere, or at my local Sears. Just knowing they are out there in the world makes me happy. First one of you to capture real-life usage in a photo gets a real mule. 


  1. OK, this is bizarre, I went into blogger to go post this, and spent the past 10 minutes getting more and more frustrated as to why I couldn't post it...

    only to just realize you had posted it

    This week needs to end

  2. "Calf mules" was TR's nickname in middle school. Or was it "mule calves"?

  3. our man mgl hung up his mic today - he's no longer the radio color man for vcu basketball.

  4. i love the 'flop slot' detailing in the cargo socks. you can easily wear them with sandals. i see dave having more than one pair of these.

  5. Minnesota-Purdue is fun. Rondale Moore being back is super fun.

  6. Holy hell. Purdue got absolutely screwed.

  7. I saw Weird Science was going to play on an HBO channel recently. I DVR’d it and watched it w/ my kids tonight. So goddam funny. Paxton as Chet remains one of the best comedic supporting roles of the 80’s. He KILLED IT with my kids.

    I will be in the doghouse with the missus for this. Too many “titties” and “shits” for her tastes.

  8. Fred Van Vleet was undrafted. He just signed for 85 million over 4 years. Earned every penny of it.

  9. Love Weird Science. All-timer. Rob does a nice rendition of Anthony Michael Hall at the blues bar.

  10. I started watching Borat subsequent moviefilm with my youngest last night. We had to give up as the cringe factor kept increasing.

  11. Indiana will not go away. They aren’t likely to win but they’ve been impressive today.

  12. It’s. It cold here but it’s fall-ish so the wife is making a ridiculous French onion soup and roasting bone marrow. Picked up a baguette too.

    I’m 24 hours into a 48 hour sous vide of boneless beef short ribs. Gonna smoke some scalloped potatoes to go with that tomorrow.

    Might need an extra run or two this week.

  13. My oldest son started rooting for the Hornets last year b/c he liked Kentucky PF PJ Washington. He’s pretty pumped right now. That team has made themselves much more relevant this week. Could end up being a train wreck, but nice to see them taking a swing at things in the East.

  14. North Carolina is basketball crazy and will support the hell out of an even average Hornets team. I agree with TR. Nice to see them taking a big swing.

    As for the bone marrow, a local butcher I know got in a bunch of bone marrow canoes so we had to pick some up.

  15. Remember Jay Caspian Kang from Grantland? He writes for the NY Times now, including some insightful thoughtful stuff like this:

  16. back when i used to eat red meat, i had bone marrow as part of a meal at a steak place in london called hawksmoor. it was a long, boozy festival of gluttony. i remember that meal with great fondness.

  17. Rob- How long have you not been eating red meat?

  18. Also, will be in New Jerusalem February 10-14. Plan accordingly.

  19. Oh Mark, can't wait to hear about the end result of ribs.

    Guys...solo w my 2 girls tonight...need a movie rec, selfishly one I too can enjoy. They are 10 n 8. Not opposed to something of our time.

  20. Moana is good. Both my girls like Nightmare Before Christmas.

  21. Old movies we forced zkids to watch, and they enjoyed watching, include:

    Back to the Future
    Karate Kid
    The Hobbit, Lord of the Rings, Return of the King (1970s cartoon versions)
    Raiders of the Lost Ark
    Star Wars, Empire Strikes Back, Return of the Jedi
    Secret of NIMH

    zdaughter loves anything associated with Spider-Man, including the trippy cartoon movie "Spider-Man into the Spider-Verse." It's enjoyable.

  22. had my gall bladder removed about 10 years ago, mark. been basically red meat-free since then. not by choice. bad things happen, gastrointestinally speaking, if i eat the red.

  23. We’re watching Coming to America now on VH-1 so the swearing is minimal.

  24. My all time favorite comedy.

  25. I think Rob had Midleton Irish Whiskey that night in London, if memory serves.
    We went with Splash.

  26. Saw Splash in the theater. Zman is correct. Nice choice.

  27. Have not seen one min of Splash since seeing it in theater 36....36 years ago. Wtf. The girls liked it...was an awkward start with plenty of ass shots, some glass cutters, and lots of making out and implied sexy sexy.

  28. The Hodinkee site Z...dove into that wormhole today.

  29. definitely had eagle rare that evening, danimal

  30. gheorghe: the dude just liked a tweet about gheorghe: the t-shirt. worlds colliding, loops closing, singularities, happening.

  31. I saw Teej cite him on Twitter. Nice. He must like armpit penises (who doesn’t).

  32. In related home movie news, my boys and I watched Fast 7 tonight (or whatever the official title is). The whole series is spectacular. Amazing action, gratuitous T&A, plots that always one-up the previous movie, and the unintentional comedy of Vin Diesel.

    Fast 7 was the one where Paul Walker died midway through. Pretty sad ending.

  33. U guys watching Rutgers mich game? Ya should

  34. Was just about to post on that, Big D. Pretty bonkers. And Michigan whiffs on the OT FG!

  35. Rutgers’ kicker is named Valentino Ambrosio. Michigan just used their final TO to ice him. That’s how far Harbaigh has fallen.

  36. Last time I wore my GTB shirt zdaughter asked “Why does he have a random line in his armpit?” I told her that was armpit hair and that made sense to her based on my armpit hair situation.

  37. Missed it. Rutgers will lose.

  38. You Jersey Boys could get there to see the 7th overtime

  39. Harbaugh appears to be wearing athleisure pants. Perhaps Lulu? Definitely not the old-school khakis.

  40. Re: Gheorghe the Shirt - we should have gotten a 5xl for the man himself. I thought of it too late.

  41. before noon today i changed the water filter in my fridge, replaced a shower head, and steam-cleaned the carpet on my stairs. i'm a man. i'm 50.

  42. Yesterday afternoon I chopped down a tree with an ax. It's a long story why. Now I need to break it down into pieces so I might borrow TR's chainsaw.

  43. you had access to a chainsaw but you used an ax? go on.

  44. I didn’t do anything manly around the house today but I did just eat some tremendous grilled oysters with bacon, crabmeat and pepper jack cheese.

    My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy came out ten years ago today. Do yourself a favor and listen or it today.

  45. Mark and his mouth watering food teases continue.
    Did nothing manly today. On the contrary, just returned from the grocery store where I purchased fixins for carbonara tonight.

  46. Joe Burrow’s leg just got destroyed. Never be a Bengal.

  47. Hewing with an axe is fun as shit. What’s less fun is digging up the stump of a (presumably) mid-sized tree. That’s a lot of work.

    Zman - my chainsaw was recently tuned up by the MAGA crowd at Chatham Lawnmower. LMK if you need it.

  48. Unfortunately for Eagles fans, nobody has destroyed Wentz’s leg.

  49. The Burrow replay...ugh. Unfair.

  50. Chubb just stiff-armed a D-lineman on way to a 54-yd gain that was very impressive.

  51. That was a nasty stiff arm. Georgia has had an embarrassment of tailback riches over the last 7-8 years and Chubb is probably the best of them.

  52. So there was a crazy windy storm a few days ago and it peeled the cover off of the couch on our deck and lofted it high into a tree in the wooded area behind zhouse. Every time zwoman looks out the window from the kitchen or living room she sees this cover and notes that it's in the tree, we're the family with a couch cover in the tree, it's ridiculous looking, we need to get someone out here to remove it, and so on. I, of course, am not paying someone to get this thing down. It was too high up for me to reach it with a rake, and it's on this crazy slope so I couldn't jump for it (and I sprained my ankle and I'm gimpy, but that's a post unto itself) so the only thing to do was chop it down. My old neighbor broke my axe so he gave me a brand new one, it cut through the relatively thin tree (about 9-10 inches in diameter) in no time. Once the tree was down I could easily collect the couch cover. But now the tree is down and I don't like where the top of it landed. It's too floppy to chop up with the axe and too thick to cut with my pruning shears. TR's chainsaw is way more firepower than I need but I don't know what's in-between that and my hackzall, which is not cut out for the task.

  53. Tafoya going leather jacket tonight!

  54. Update: dinner was tremendous. 48 hour sous vide short ribs thrown on the egg for a 600 degree sear. Scalloped potatoes on the egg for an hour at 375.

    Lots of leftovers.

    I’m done cooking until after Thanksgiving.

  55. Chiefs/Raiders trending toward a real rivalry again. Gruden and Mayock have done a nice job reshaping their roster.

  56. Totally agree. Raiders CBs have contained the Chiefs very well. Raiders have a solid team. And very fun to be able to hear every call every QB makes.
