Thursday, November 19, 2020

Memoirs of a Jump-Shooting President

Barack Obama has been in public view lately, campaigning for his former wing man and President-elect, Joe Biden, and hawking his presidential memoir. Aside from the obvious question – How many memoirs is a guy permitted? He’s up to three, with at least one more coming – it’s been a nice reminder of a president who conducts himself with intelligence and grace and who can actually put sentences together.

Obama’s current book, A Promised Land, checks in at a hefty 768 pages and covers childhood through
the Bin Laden raid in 2011. According to early reviews, and the author himself, it’s heavy on context and attempts to walk readers through not only events, but why he thought and acted certain ways. Apparently, he’s saving some of the more byzantine political maneuvering and extended thoughts on various Congressfolk and Heavy Hitters for the second volume.

A willingness to sign off on Obama’s versions, or at least give him the benefit of the doubt, likely depends on one’s political leanings. There's much to admire, and plenty to criticize – lack of accountability and prosecution of the Wall Street and finance smart guys who crashed the economy, Affordable Care Act overreach and mis-reads, overseas drone strikes and too many dead civilians, expansion of domestic surveillance under his watch, reticence to publicly call out Russian ratf*cking (to resurrect a Watergate phrase) of the 2016 election to induce chaos and assist our current president.

But as the site’s media grump, allow me to focus on transparency and open government. When Obama took office, he vowed that his administration would be the most transparent in history. He wrote a memo shortly after his first inauguration that read: “the government should not keep information confidential merely because public officials might be embarrassed by disclosures, because errors and failures might be revealed, or because of speculative or abstract fears.”

His Department of Justice then prosecuted whistleblowers at an unprecedented rate. They did so under the auspices of the 1917 Espionage Act, which was designed to prevent people leaking secrets to foreign governments, not the media. They collected phone records of Associated Press reporters in one case. They threatened a New York Times investigative reporter with jail time about a story. They named a Fox News reporter a co-conspirator in a case involving a leak. In 2015 alone, his administration rejected 596,000 requests, 77 percent, under the Freedom of Information Act, the 1967 statute that allows citizens to request government documents from any agency. The government is supposed to comply, though exemptions are made in cases involving personal privacy, national security and law enforcement, among other areas. Many reporters have stories of beating their heads against government walls over FOIA requests. Agencies bury requests, cite specious privacy or security restrictions, say that requests are too broad and unreasonable, and often, a personal favorite, respond with, “whoops, we can’t find it; sorry.” Oversight and appeals are spotty, at best.

Granted, FOIA requests don’t cross the president’s desk, so an argument can be made that a bloated bureaucracy overwhelmed executive aims. But prosecuting government whistleblowers such as former National Security Agency officer Thomas Drake and former CIA officer Jeffrey Sterling certainly crossed his radar. It also spooked many government officials who might have come forward to identify problems and issues, or at least spoken out as anonymous sources. The reluctance also trickled down to agencies that have nothing to do with national security such as the Environmental Protection Agency or the Food and Drug Administration, for fear of retaliation, even though protections are supposed to be in place.

Obama drew heavy criticism from plenty of watchdog groups. The Committee to Protect Journalists, for one, issued a report during his second term in which New York Times national security reporter David Sanger said, “This is the most closed, control freak administration I’ve ever covered.” Now-retired ABC News reporter Ann Compton said, “He’s the least transparent of the seven presidents I’ve covered in terms of how he does his daily business.” Committee president at the time, former Washington Post executive editor Leonard Downie Jr., said the administration’s efforts to quell leaks and control information were the most aggressive since Nixon.

All of these gripes sound almost quaint, given the past four years under President Enemies of the People. Yet despite Obama’s early rhetoric and present concerns, he was no reliable champion of the press in office, even if he remains a good quote and would be the No. 1 pick in any presidential pickup hoops draft. Given the assault on the media, particularly local news, from forces within and without, and the rise of disinformation and “alternative facts” that will fill that void, journalism is only going to get more difficult. Vigilance is more vital than ever.


  1. Now there's an athletic admissions scandal at Harvard? In fencing?

  2. What I would give for four years of quaint gripes...

    Harvard was mentioned early in the admissions process stories. Really ridiculous.

    I just heard that the Pfizer two-dose vaccine entails: 1) taking it, 2) quarantining for a month, 3) taking a second dose, and 4) quarantining for two more weeks. Color me bad, but I don't see folks doing that.

  3. I believe you mean color me badd.

  4. The Pfizer vaccine also requires pretty onerous storage and shipping conditions. It wouldn't surprise me if they lose a not insignificant amount of product in the distribution channel.

  5. you guys are all burying the lede as it relates to this post

  6. Did Teej give OBX Dave the tutorial? Good piece, though not exactly confidence inspiring...

  7. I did not, but looks like the old dog taught himself new tricks.

  8. Really looking forward to the battles that ensue when people who believe themselves immune after getting the vaccine stop wearing their masks. And then a bunch of people who haven't gotten it but simply don't want to wear their masks follow suit. Good times, for a change...

  9. As for OBX Dave's post, I commend him on his impartial watchdog memory jog / enlightenment. It's easy to think that Trump revolutionized the KGB-like secrecy, smoke, and mirrors since he did it all in a foghorn-loud manner that vacillated between clumsily, moronically ham-fisted and obnoxiously, dunderheadedly brazen.

  10. I know folks have strong opinions on Joe Rogan. I listen to a lot of his podcasts, especially when he has cutting-edge science, fitness and nutrition folks on. Less so when it's Alex Jones or some MMA meathead.

    He put a podcast up y/day with Dr. Nicholas Christakis, a physician and sociologist who has studied social networks. He studed the virus and put out a book about its lasting impact in October. I'm halfway through the 2.5 hour podcast and it's a good dump of non-partisan virus facts. Lots of stats and insight on the info being bandied about (mortality rates, how the vaccine will work, etc). It will help you sound smart at your next blocktail gathering.

  11. I have a strong opinion on Joe Rogan. He was super funny on NewsRadio, an underrated sitcom from the 1990's.


  12. I listen to the same Rogan podcasts as TR, however I must admit I listened to the recent one w/Alex Jones out of curiosity having never heard more than a blurb from him on social media. He's entertaining! I don't think he's well though - I've got him as a new add on my death pool - I give it to the end of '22.
    NewsRadio - so good was that show. Phil Hartman not being around anymore is a source of sadness.

  13. If anyone can explain this game and how it works, I'd be grateful. Might be barking up the wrong blog.

    Wilco-Inspired Mystery Game Tries to Show Why Your Favorite Bands Break Up

    also described here

  14. after recovering from an acl, klay thompson out for the year with an achilles injury. that's brutal.

  15. That is a bummer. Klay is a bad man.

    I expect some of you are hip to my star city homie* JJ Redick's pod 'Old Man and the Three'. I've listened to a couple now. JJ is a surprisingly good interviewer. The dynamic of him interviewing fellow hoopers seems to get more interesting answers than most of what you hear. Fred Van Vleet on last week's was great. I could do without the random draft at the end of each episode, but nobody is forcing me to listen to it.

  16. To append my earlier comment. *JJ is not my homie, but I have done some work for his mom and his brother/sister in law.

  17. did not know jj was a roanokian. now i know.

  18. Seeing gifs of Rudy's tiny rivers of burnt umber flop sweat makes me think I would like to see research that explores effects of hair dye on the male brain and psyche.

  19. I get the sense that Matthew Stafford’s wife and Kayleigh McEnany see eye to eye on a lot of things.

  20. JJ is a really good podcast host and guest. He’s thoughtful, humorous and honest. This is the third iteration of him doing a podcast and they’ve all been quite good.

    It’s funny to see JJ so universally loved around the NBA. Don’t think anyone would’ve guessed that 18 years ago.

  21. Thanks to The Ringer, I learned today that the sample from Geto Boys’ Mind Playing Tricks on Me is a super-funky Isaac Hayes instrumental 1974 tune called Hung Up On My Baby. It would have fit into the movie Boogie Nights quite easily.

  22. JJ Redick also has shockingly good taste in watches.

  23. Hey, T.J., Rob sent a quick cheat sheet and I tried to work off of that. I figured out how to post and embed links to other pieces. Alas, I still have no clue about how to attach pics or video, or what a post might look like before publishing. Rob walked it home, for which I am grateful.

  24. i love joe rogan. the new one with christakis is required listening to get a bead on the coming year. the alex jones episode is also great-- organ sounds like a high school teacher, he keeps trying to slow jones down and fact check his insanity and occasionally chastises him for not letting rogan finish his sentences, but in a kind way. the wesley hunt episode is interesting too. hunt is a black republican from texas who ran for the house seat and lost. he's totally rational and a reminder that not all Republican worship qanon.

  25. new sam harris is also very powerful . . .

  26. Is it just me, or does Joe Rogan remind you of OBXDave?

  27. Is it just me, or does Joe Rogan remind you of OBXDave?
