Monday, November 23, 2020

Nick of Time

A Gheorghie who shall remain nameless thought it would be a good idea to celebrate the rags to riches story of the world's chubbiest parrot turned champion in the comments section. Do we not all know G:TB Rule #1? 

For those that need a refresher, right there on the first page of the G:TB Style Guide, even before the correct spelling of dipshittery and the proper usage of extra h's, it says in boldfaced, all-caps type: POSTCOUNT!

And so we were fortunate to rescue this piece from the commentariat, and share with you now. Behold the Kākāpō, winner for the second time of New Zealand's Bird of the Year award:

I know what you're thinking. I, too, had no idea New Zealand had such a prestigious award, and I'm stunned that the kiwi hasn't retired the title.

The Kākāpō is a gloriously funky-looking beast, a waddling, round, knife-beaked thing. They're also very endangered, with only 209 alive today. The Bird of the Year program is intended to bring awareness to endangered birds, and help raise funds for breeding programs. There's good news to share on that front. Experts expect 75 Kākāpō chicks to survive this year, and for a species that can live as long as 90 years, that's a great generation.

So enjoy our round-bellied friend, and reflect for a moment on Rule #1. Have a day, Gheorghies.


  1. I nominate the Pi Lam bird for next year.

  2. I an the gheorghie in question. I was drawn to the headline:

    Kākāpō, the world's fattest parrot, named New Zealand's bird of the year for 2020

    It gives me hope to win gheorghie of the year...

  3. mock. yeah! ing. yeah! bird. yeah! yeah. yeah!

  4. the administration has finally agreed that biden won the election. fuck and yes. and don't let the door hit you on the way out. may everyone that knew how bad trump was and lacked the courage to say so publicly find themselves shunned by polite society. or even crude society.

  5. So ridiculous that he was still attacking folks this morning (Hogan is a RINO!). I bet it was seeing a billionaire tell him to leave that made him finally realize it was over. Without the GOP big gun$, he’s toast.

    What the hell happens w/ Sidney Powell now (after she gives Carol Baskin her sweater back)?

  6. hey, so, fuck dabo swinney with a kakapo beak

  7. It’s been fuck Dabo around here for some time. I can’t stand the guy. Such a fake Southern preacher vibe to him.

  8. What color are those Rams uniforms? Dirty undershirt?

  9. Tom Brady is very bad at the footballing. He is missing receivers all over the place and has zero ability to move in the pocket to avoid pressure. It’s the elephant in the room that the fluffer announcers don’t want to talk about.

  10. Rams unis are indeed awful. My 13 y/o, who obsesses on uniforms, thinks the “Los Angeles Rams” patch on the front is lazy and ugly. He’s right.

  11. Bucs fans should be terrified if there isn’t news of an arm injury. It’s unbelievable how bad Brady’s second half throws have been. A league-average QB wins this game for them. Bucs’ D has been stout in the half and he has been hot garbage. 4.5 yds per attempt, 2 horrendous INTs. They won’t win a playoff game if they get there.

  12. Bucs aren’t good. Brady has been bad quite often. Those two inexcusable INTs bring a prime example. The Oline is worse.

  13. Archie “Moonlight” Graham is “Look at the big brain on” Brett??????

  14. less than 48 hours from one of GTB's best annual posts...

  15. RIP David Dinkins. Won’t you please be our mayor? You’ll be doing us a really big favor.
