Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Mac Miller Gets a Respectful, Posthumous Jon Brion Treatment

Unlike some of you, I don't have teenage daughters and I'm not a Floridian hip-hop fan, So, as with most musical things, I was late to the Mac Miller bandwagon. I hopped on after he passed away a little over a year ago. I dig some of the stuff I've heard, although I think it appeals more to a younger generation. My kid likes it and I lie to my wife that the lyrics are not that bad.

Turns out Mac was deep in the process of making a new album with Jon Brion when he passed away. Brion is a guy I've known for many years. As a Paul Thomas Anderson fan, I remember Brion as the guy who did the score for Punch Drunk Love. Turns out Brion also contributed to PTA films Boogie Nights and Magnolia. In addition, he has worked on I Heart Huckabees, Step Brothers, ParaNorman, Lady Bird and many, many others (unclear if he wrote Boats 'N' Hoes though). Jon is out there, as many musicians are, as evidenced by his discussion of his work in Punch Drunk Love, seen below.

Given my respect for PTA, I have respect for the folks he respects. So I take notice when Brion does his thing. And as a music producer, Brion certainly had some work to do to get this last album (Circles) out after Miller passed. From what I've read, he had disparate sets of lyrics and beats and did some interpretation to string it all together into twelve tracks. Perhaps it is not what Miller wanted, but it may be what his fans needed.

I downloaded the album and have listened to much of it. More ambient, mellow and bluesy than I would've expected. Mac does as much/more singing than rapping. There is a sadness pervasive, but maybe that's just the baggage I'm bringing in, knowing I'm listening to a dead guy's last few recording sessions.

The album is an evolution of his sound and I think many of you will dig it. But sadly, it's also a coda for a life that ended too soon.


  1. Jon Brion also scored Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind. And he does a lot with Aimee Mann, whom I think is A+++++.

    Listening to the album now. Enjoyable, and I agree with the TR statement:
    "There is a sadness pervasive, but maybe that's just the baggage I'm bringing in, knowing I'm listening to a dead guy's last few recording sessions."

    Brion also is very used to aural emanations with emotional triggers, so it's a perfect storm there.

  2. Slow going here today. Maybe a 6pm announcement that "The Captain" [sigh] has made it into the Hall of Fame will inspire some of you reminiscent Yanks fans or crabby Sox fans (fan).

  3. Would the MLB collective take on the sign-stealing debacle -- a take Marls mockingly called "pearls-clutching" -- have an effect on the entry of the PED Gang? Bonds and Clemens have been inching toward induction, but if if there's a galvanization of the moral high grounders, perhaps that pathway take a hit. Of course, I can't recall when ballots were due, so maybe that's moot.

  4. Nickelback coming back on the road this summer!!!

  5. I'm late with this comment, because work, but about time you all figured out about Beach Slang. New album mixes in a little AC/DC on top of the Replacements vibes.

    I've seen them (really just James and his girlfriend on keyboards) live as Quiet Slang. Think stripped down acoustic set up. The lead singer is a drunken mess. So very Gheorghie. He played a set as Quiet Slang for 45 minutes. Then was so drunk he brought out an electric guitar and played for another hour and half as people kept calling out random songs for him to play (at least a dozen Mats tunes). Each time he would say last one, then play 3 more songs.

    Well worth the time to see them live if you like their records. Strong white from me. He is touring so grab a ticket and enjoy.

    NYC April 16th
    Boston April 17th
    DC April 22nd

  6. schilling’s gonna get in, isn’t he?

  7. Thanks Squeak. Did not know about the NYC show because lazy.

    And God bless Rob’s reverse jinx on Schilling, even if it’s just a one year pause. There are zero first-time HoF candidates being introduced next year (sorry Torino Hunter, Tim Hudson, Barry Zito and Mark Buehrle). So a few of the roid era guys and Schilling May slide in.

  8. Miller was trending toward more singing on previous albums. Most notably on Swimming. And he’s definitely had plenty of bouts with doubt and depression. He pretty honest, as successful rappers go. I like the album too. A nice was for Brion to attempt to honor him.

  9. Do people think Shilling is not a HOF’er? He is a dick, but does that matter?

  10. The end of Kansas State-Kansas got just a wee bit out of hand.

  11. Picking up a stool and holding it menacingly over your head is pretty gangster. It’s the last thing he’ll ever do in a Jayhawks uni, but it’s definitely keeping it real.

  12. Picking up his own stool and holding it menacingly would have been the real OG move.

  13. Getting a jump, aren’t we, Clara?
