Wednesday, January 22, 2020

RIP Terry Jones

Terry Jones, one of the founding members of Monty Python and a co-director of Monty Python and the Holy Grail, passed away last night at the age of 77 after a battle with dementia. No time this morning for a proper sendoff, so I implore the various k-nig-its in these parts to chip in. Here's Jones as Sir Bedevere, putting a witch on trial.


  1. I’m sure the Pythons will give him a thoroughly inappropriate, cackle-inducing, and loving send-off. They certainly did with Graham Chapman 30 years ago.

  2. I DVR’d Holy Grail last week, intending to show it to my kids. I deleted it b/c they won’t be ready for a few years. The sensibility of those guys was amazing.

  3. In high school my friends were all Life of Brian aficionados, and it's just as worthy.

    We used to watch Holy Grail around the fraternity house every few months, it seemed. And we'd play Flying Circus sketches and even the audio cassettes until they were burned into memory -- annoying as hell for those who'd hadn't, when we felt the need to reenact them or drop funny tidbits into everyday conversation. (e.g. G'day, Bruce.)

  4. hello, bruce

    weird meeting in front of st. peter, what with morgan wootten getting there at the same time as terry jones.

  5. speaking of wootten, pretty good reminiscence by john feinstein about the dematha coach here:

  6. Michael Hutchence would have turned 60 today had he not died in 1997 in depressingly weird and crappy circumstances.

    INXS music holds up well, relative to some of its 1980s peers. Les Coole's Favorite 10:

    1. Don't Change
    2. Mystify
    3. This Time
    4. Original Sin
    5. Kiss the Dirt (Falling Down the Mountain)
    6. Beautiful Girl
    7. Suicide Blonde
    8. New Sensation
    9. The One Thing
    10. Not Enough Time

    Damn right, not enough time.

  7. I love articles like this:

  8. Love Suicide Blonde. Surprised that Devil Inside missed the cut on your list.

  9. Mystify: Michael Hutchence is available on your streaming platform of choice for a fee. It came out last year, was only in theaters Jan 7th of this year and is supposed to be good. Might try to watch over the next few weekends.

  10. Mystify is my favorite followed by Dont Change. INXS has become highly underrated over the years.

    You know what’s not underrated? My excitement for Zion’s debut. With the emergence of Brandon Ingram as an All Star and go to scorer and (hopefully) the return of a healthy Zion, the Pelicans are suddenly really fun and interesting.

  11. love seeing kiss the dirt on whit's list of inxs songs. i'd have listen like thieves and shine like it does on my list, as well. as awesome as kick is - and it's awesome - listen like thieves is my favorite inxs record.

  12. My 4th grade kid’s travel basketball team won tonight to go to 5-1. We were up 13 w/ 0.7 seconds left and had to inbound one last time to run clock out. Coach told other team not to play D. Inbounder passed it in to my son. Instead of holding the ball, he quickly swished a jumper as the buzzer went off. Kinda bad sportsmanship, but kinda awesome. Other team’s coach was an asshat, so I was fine with it. Glad it didn’t turn out like KU-KSU.

  13. Lil R would def throw a stool if things got gully.

  14. Buck Rogers turns 77 today.

    MacGyver turns 40 today.

    Kelly Kapowski turns 46 today.

    Good lord, we're getting old.
