Monday, January 20, 2020

Animals Are Better Than People

And when the wombat comes, he will find me gone, sang Stewart Copeland in On Any Other Day.

As it turns out, a part of the lyric that starts that same song is appropriate here. "Complete bullshit" is an apt description of any disparagement of the wombat.

Wombat burrows are extremely large, which has been a literal lifesaver to a wide range of fauna desperately seeking to escape the widespread fires that have ravaged Australia over the past few weeks. Wallabies, echinadas, various species of lizards, even butterflies have found refuge in wombat-built 20-30m long tunnels. And the wombats themselves have been gracious hosts.

Fuck yeah, wombats.


  1. I am a wee bit hung over and feeling extra lazy. Have watched almost all of the Sierra Canyon high school basketball game. Lots of talented kids on both teams.

  2. My friend’s goofy older brother used this wombat lyric as his senior yearbook quote in high school. It ain’t Wordsworth, but I enjoyed it then and now. Stewart Copeland rules.

  3. The Hampton Roads/Norfolk/Newport News metroplex May be a backwater for music acts, but it appears to be a hotbed for comedy. Patton Oswalt is coming your way in March, Whit.

  4. Got my sweet assed tix, Marls

  5. You guys. Everyone needs to watch the Cheer documentary on Netflix.
    The athleticism of these kids is unreal.
    Also, the psychological discipline it takes to do those stunts is incredible.

  6. my daughter is firmly in the middle of that world. she and my wife are addicted to that documentary. i get to see it up close every time i go to one of her competitions. the athleticism is indeed bonkers. my daughter had a competition in charlotte this weekend. she puked from exhaustion after leaving the mat at the end of one of her team's routines. one of her teammates wasn't so lucky - poor girl barfed in the middle of the routine, but she was in the back so nobody really noticed - except for the photographer who caught it in living color. also bonkers: the insanity of many of the adult participants.

  7. oh, Rob....we need to talk. I have been to the college national championship b/c my sister was a college cheerleader.
    in watching this doc, it's clear that the crazy has gone WAAAAYYY higher in this sport since the late 90s.

    also--Gabi Bulter's parents are terrible--they treat her like a show pony, not their daughter. I can't even imagine the parents you and Samantha encounter in competitive cheer-world.
