Monday, November 04, 2019

Do Your Duty

Tomorrow, we take one more step towards reclaiming our national sanity.

That sounds great. Not sure if it's true. But here in the Commonwealth of Virginia, Election Day has significant import. Currently, Republicans control the Senate by a narrow 20-19 margin, with one seat empty. If the 2017 election is any indicator, Virginia is trending blue. If the Democrats can flip that 20-19 margin, even if it's only a 20-20 tie, a number of heretofore dead on arrival legislative proposals will sail through, since the tiebreaking vote would be Democratic Lieutenant Governor Justin Fairfax (whose own alleged history of sexual violence has been the center of at least a few Republican attack ads this cycle - ironic if Dems' unwillingness to investigate these allegations costs them the Senate).

Among a number of noteworthy acts possible with a Democratic Senate, Virginia would ratify the Equal Rights Amendment to the Constitution, which would mean that the ERA would have the required 2/3 majority of states to become codified as law. There's some headache-inducing fine print that would mean that it wouldn't actually happen right away, but it'd be a huge symbolic victory for equality.

So get out there and do the right thing, Virginians. And for those of you that live in other parts of the world, I'm sure there's something you can do to give the GOP the middle finger. Get out there and vote!


  1. it's not weird that my county's government website, including all election-related content, is down right now, is it, comrades?

  2. I'd assume it means your post generated a surge in civic engagement that's unprecedented.

  3. HEY - I recognize those photos

  4. this kid must've traveled to the future, read this post, returned to his time, and commenced this project:

  5. An asshat from Norfolk Academy is running for town council in the town where Zman and I live. He is legit one of the worst people in the town - an annoying, know-it-all drunk. The adults in our town are usually pretty good about spotting these folks and keeping them in check. I’m anxious to hear how it goes.

  6. What’s his name? If you’d prefer not to say so, use some code.

  7. Zman caught me up. I don’t know the stiff. Here’s hoping it goes poorly for him.

  8. whitney asked that question really quickly. little bit nervous that he might've accidentally run for office in new jersey during a late-night fat cat binge last time he was there, i'm guessing.

  9. happy tribe hoops opening day eve! the last day we'll smile - even wistfully - about the 2019-20 w&m hoops season. all sadface from here on.

  10. Joe Tessitore is terrible.

  11. Speaking of college basketball, what a killer pair of games tmrw: Kansas v Duke and MSU v Kentucky.
