Saturday, November 02, 2019

Big Pain Relents (A Little)

It's a bit of cliche that stepping on Lego bricks is one of the banes of parental existence. Cliches, my friends, have a kernel of wisdom in them. My kids are now 18 and 15, so it's been a long time since the corner of a Lego dug deep into my hypodermis, eliciting howls of pain and creative cursing, but it happened more than once. Now it's my daughters' steadfast laziness that elicits most of the cursing.

Legos have been around for 66 years. Only now have those sadistic assholes decided it might be in their customers' interest to solve this pain-delivery problem. Lego teamed with a French advertising agency (I don't know, man) to create purpose-built anti-Lego slippers, which feature a heavily padded sole to protect tender dadfeet (momfeet, too, though Moms seem better equipped to deal with a little bit of temporary pain).

Apparently the Lego jerks are only making 1,500 of these, to be distributed randomly this holiday season. Because they like mocking our pain.


  1. might've underestimated the springboks

  2. I’m all kinds of nervous anticipation of today’s Florida-Georgia tilt. And I won’t be watching at Vitas’s house per usual. Poor guy is attending an Orthodox Jewish wedding in NY. Probably kicking the wife out of the house for the afternoon so my other regular viewing partner and I curse rant and rave freely.

  3. Jesus. That comment was a grammatical mess. That’s where my head is currently at.

  4. i just dropped my 15 year-old daughter at a boy’s house. made sure i met his parents, but still. time, she is flying.

  5. Asked my sister what her kids were for Halloween. 8 year old boy was a ref. 11 year old daughter came home From school early last week and said a friend and her were going to go as Netflix and Chill. Awkward conversation ensued.

  6. Tribe just missed a 23 yd FG. Elon takes over down 3 with 6 mins to play. This should end well.

  7. Dadded my ass off all day, despite having a feeble spine. Prepared bkfst for the family, flag football, two kid haircuts, took kids to lunch, administered a travel baseball tryout, prepped a bunch of steak for the grill, played with the energetic dog for an hour. First drink is in hand, football is on the telly and I’m ready to chill. Seeing that ND is losing is a fun way to start things.

  8. Not Gary Danielson’s strongest day, in terms of instant replay analysis.

  9. Tribe wins in 5 OTs!? Neither team scored a point in the first 3 OTs!? And they won by a safety!?

  10. I don’t even think Georgia is very good but they’re better than Florida and that upsets me.

  11. Florida picked a bad time to play their sloppiest game of the season. Fuck, I hate Georgia.

  12. I sent out a couple random Dennis Scott related tweets last night and have had more likes/retweets than at any other point in my Twitter life. It’s been nice knowing you guys. You can find me over at 3D: The Blog.

  13. steve nash retweeted me a few years ago and my twitter exploded. i'm sure have a few dozen followers now who have no idea why the followed me in the first place.

  14. With great twitter power comes great Twitter responsibility, Mark

  15. tribe men's soccer goes on the road to beat #21 jmu. first road win against a ranked program since 2013. green shoots, tr!

  16. USC-Oregon is fun.

    As for my Twitter responsibility, I need that clip of Dennis Scott melting down at his basketball camp.

  17. Big Boi of OutKast fame has a kid who’s a freshman on the Oregon Football team. After that last TD he simply tweeted “Ducks Ho”. Twitter always finds a way to redeem itself.

  18. Watched the Sandler version of The Longest Yard w/ my boys. Very enjoyable. Steve Austin, Boz, Goldberg, Nelly, Michael Irvin, etc.

    Courtney Cox has a small role in the beginning of the movie. She brings some unbelievable cleavage to the table. I never know Monica Geller had that in her. It’s amazing.

  19. SMU - Memphis is all kinds of fun.

  20. I always enjoyed Monica’s work. Especially during the Scream franchise.

    Memphis-SMU is exactly what I want from a CFB mid major matchup. All the offense.

  21. My cousin went to SMU so I’ve partied there a couple times. It’s in a cool neighborhood and full of obscenely rich kids. That plus the embrace of scandalous cheating makes me a fan. I’m all for the Mustang comeback.

  22. All that said, this Memphis housing is fun to see. I’m here for Memphis Football being good and Penny Hardaway bringing Memphis Basketball back.

  23. SMU - Memphis is still fun.

  24. A few jerk things

    She spells it Courteney. If I spelled it Whiteney people would beat me up and call me racist.

    The only “famous” person who retweeted one of my admittedly few tweets was an alt-indie goddess named Kristin Hersh. And yes. I love her.

    hi gheorghies

  25. had to buy new tires for our pilot and a new refrigerator today. adulting is a kinda overrated.

  26. more importantly, the line at the popeye's drive-thru in my town extended off the property and into the main thoroughfare. we're gonna need to do a chicken sammich taste test.

  27. Mini summit today. Zman and I met with superagent DLC and Juan Carlos. I had to leave after two drinks and a couple wings to shiver at youth sports. Would have preferred to stay for 10 drinks and 20 wings.

  28. Refrigerators are the worst purchases. Nothing exciting about them, they just keep your food cold.

  29. our new one has french doors. which i assume is sexy.

  30. French ticklers > French doors
