Tuesday, November 05, 2019

Do Your Duty, Part Deaux(die)

That last post title teed this one up pretty well.

In Canada, I'm not sure if they impersonate Dylan Thomas and "rage, rage at the dying of the light." But it appears they do rage, rage at the refusal to let you use a Tim Horton's toilet. Not gonna lie. I like this woman's chutzpah. And I had never ever ever thought of that position in the event of dropping an emergency deuce. Brilliant move, although it's a bit disturbing to see somebody so comfortable/familiar with stand-up poops.

Naturally, Deadspin covered the event well here (this is pre-purge Deadspin). Happy Tuesday. Go out and vote!


  1. I did not expect to see this on Election Day.

    Clay Pigeon hit me with the following songs back-to-back on my way to work today:

    Fugazi, "Blueprint"
    Bob Mould, "I Don't Mind"
    Syd Barrett, "Octopus Options"
    Johnny Thunders, "You Can't Put Your Arms Around A Memory"

    WMFU gets it done.

  2. i will be covering up this shit with a wrenball post early this afternoon. for the sake of the kids.

  3. But couldn't you say that the woman in the video is the W&M AD, and you and the 11 other W&M b-ball fans out there are the people behind the counter?

    Cuz that's what she's theoretically done to you, right Rob?

    Pretty meta, right?

  4. Occasionally a post here at GTB leave you wondering who the author is. This is not one of those. Way to stay on brand, TR.

  5. In the Burg!


  6. I do not understand why this exists or why it is so valuable.


  7. I’m learning a lot of things from Zman lately.

    I now know about WFMU. Pretty bad assed, looks like. Like WXPN, maybe one degree grittier. Which is the same as going from Philly to NYC, so it fits.

    I always enjoy the BaT links. I need to resist the temptation to fall down that rabbit hole today. Busy workday.

  8. Also, my daughter voted today. I’m old but instilling civic pride in my littl’uns.
