Friday, March 29, 2019

I Need T-Shirt for My Bunghole

From whatever Google Alert TR has set up for this segment, I bring you this fine piece of cloth:

I know at least one guy (other than me) who would love this:


  1. If you're going to get a bidet/toilet combo you should get a Toto not this fugazi Tushy thing. Toto makes a seat that's easy to install--just remove the old seat, screw the new one in, connect it to the tank and plug it into an outlet. When we redid zbathroom I went whole hog and got a Toto with integrated bidet, heated seat, fan and filter for stench mitigation, and a dryer. I cannot say enough good things about it. As the title of the book goes, Everyone Poops, so make it a pleasant process and get an asswash toilet.

  2. I am a patient boy
    I wait
    I wait
    I wait
    I wait

  3. zman likes his toto so much that he often just goes in for an asswash and dry. just 'cause he can.

  4. Everybody's movin, everybody's movin movin movin movin movin [their bowels].

  5. On a hot summer day, yeah, I do wash and dry myself.

  6. scene from suburbia this morning:

    my mom is in town visiting for the weekend. my kids don't have school, so they're both hanging around the living room. my daughter's dance instructor, jimmie (featured here previously in a very special gt:b episode) spends the night at our house on thursdays to save himself the 90-minute one-way trip home. i'm working from home because there's a water stain on our living room ceiling. and all of us are watching a plumber on a ladder with his head poked through the hole he's just cut in the ceiling and providing commentary. all the makings of a wacky network sitcom. working on the script now.

  7. Sounds like some WB content.

  8. pro tip: mash up some avocado with a little salt and a generous dollop of trader joe's zhoug and use it on a sandwich or bagel with bacon and egg. change your life. you're welcome.

  9. Fugazi Friday in full effect. A good warm-up for Rootstone.

  10. Zhoug looks like I word I should be familiar with but I had to google it. It sounds tasty.

  11. nathan knight declared for the nba draft. we literally don't have enough scholarship players to field a team next year.

  12. and zhoug is the shit. also seen it spelled as zug or shug.

  13. so it's a show about nothing? a plumber fixes a water stain . . . that's a show! you should write it up and pitch it.

  14. and our wacky multi-culti family unit says pithy things about nothing. boffo ratings.

  15. tiger v. rory in the round of 16 at the wgc match play tomorrow. some happy suits at the pga tour.

  16. Mike Brey looks turrible...

  17. getting rootsy-themed dispatches from whitney. seems both in fine fettle. one in fine fiddle, i guess.

  18. Was great to have Whitney and crew there last night. They arrived just in time for our song about a sultry maraca player ‘She Shook it on the Corner’.

  19. I was wise enough to pick Texas Tech to make the final four. Unfortunately I did it in the bracket that had UNC winning it all, not the other one where I had Gonzaga winning it.

  20. i see zed has been productive, bloggily-speaking. stand by for content.

  21. carsen edwards is doing work

  22. I was rooting for Gonzaga b/c their head coach has an uncanny resemblance to FoG:TB Major Tom.

  23. Rob willed Kyle Guy into hitting shots via Twitter.

  24. pretty proud of myself, mark. college basketball is fun.

  25. jesus h christ on toast, but this is a fun game

  26. This tournament’s subpar first weekend is forgiven.

  27. Chris Webber is a dumpster fire in an otherwise epic game.

  28. It sure was. To overcome a game like Edwards put on uva is impressive.

  29. Bad coaching by Purdue to let Edwards play hero ball all night. Getting Cline some looks would only have created more space for Edwards.

  30. I was not insignificantly overserved last night but I feel disproportionately good. Had the best Brussels sprouts I’ve ever eaten and some asparagus so now I have Brussels sprouts farts and asparagus pee. Avoid zbathroom for a few hours.

  31. auburn is a dumb basketball team.

  32. 100% of the time I see Tracy Wolfson on the TV, I immediately think “moley moley moley.” I should probably be more mature, but I’m not.

  33. Auburn is in the Final Four.

  34. the stylistic contrast between auburn and virginia will be fun to watch

  35. gonzaga! god they screwed me. i actually had michigan beating duke in that bracket, and virginia. goddammit gonzaga.

  36. Zero fucks to give about this final four. I can focus on my underachieving Yanks and my 9 y/o’s travel baseball team, which had a solid 7-0 win today.
