Wednesday, September 05, 2018

Superior Beings

So I'm sitting around, browsing through old issues of Science magazine, minding my own business.

And it all suddenly makes sense.

"The ancestor of all placental mammals—the diverse lineage that includes almost all species of mammals living today, including humans—was a tiny, furry-tailed creature that evolved shortly after the dinosaurs disappeared, a new study suggests."

I've long suggested that smaller mammals (like, for instance, me) are more evolutionarily perfect. More coordinated, shorter distances for blood to be pumped, more efficient movements, able to fit into smaller spaces. Now I have definitive, irrefutable scientific proof.

You're welcome, fellow mammals.


  1. Happy to see the squirrel power tag.

  2. “As man evolves, he becomes taller with less hair.”

    Dudes, the future looks pretty good. Thanks for paving the way for me.

  3. You, Peter Dinklage and Anna Kendrick: nature's perfect beings. Works for me.

  4. The social media meme that brings Pat Tillman into the Nike ad is, shockingly, not well thought through. If you have seen his outstanding documentary, you know that he ultimately questioned and even hated what the war was about, he was shot and killed by his own guys while yelling "I'm Pat Fucking Tillman" to them, his family wants no association of his legacy with the cause, and he would just despise this rah-rah blind cowardice-as-patriotism at the expense of actual thought and dialogue and meaningfulness.

    If you haven't seen the documentary, see it.

  5. if only you had a blog forum on which to explore that comment in more depth

  6. Oh, I'm blogging okay. I could do better, but—
    Oh, ahhh, I get it, rob.
    Back on that old "Postcount" kick, right?

  7. postcount is evergreen, my man

  8. Dammit man. I bumped. I set. You whiffed.

  9. I guess immediate recognition of obscure They Might Be Giants lyrics is in your rearview, Robert. Sad!

    Speaking of music, and sad, it occurs to me sometimes that in terms of output we were denied, the loss of Brad Nowell might have been more impactful than that of Kurt Cobain.

  10. in my defense, that's realllllly obscure

  11. Point taken. I bet squeaky picked up on it.

  12. squeaky always did love a spoken-word interlude. as you can tell by the way his tattoos are a 1:1 match of henry rollins'. to scale, of course.

  13. I think you should stay off Whitney's back after that worst song ever recorded post. Not that I listened to the song, but dat post tho...

  14. Listen to it, Rootsy. Give it one more try. For Timmy T.

  15. you could also read "where men win glory" to learn about the tillman story in depth and in context of the afghan war-- it's an utter mess of a story about a guy who wanted to be a hero and do the right thing and then became totally disillusioned with the mission.

    and while small folks may be naturally selected for, there's also sexual selection, and chicks dig tall guys (dammit).

    this new and groundbreaking book explains that whole thing:

  16. hola amigos*

    *immediately gets deported

  17. Everybody must be at Johnny G’s birthday party.

    Ain’t no party like a blapaneese party.

  18. Are there three e's in Blapanese/eese?

  19. With my fat thumbs there is.

  20. my kids' high school just released the 2018 homecoming dance theme. it's 'netflix night'. can't wait for the netflix and chill memes to proliferate across loudoun county teenager instagram.

  21. Pour some out for Jack Horner...

  22. and for ned beatty's pal who won't ever speak of that trip down the river

  23. and norm macdonald's snl career

  24. Stroker Ace?

    Dave is gonna say Hooper, I am just sure of it

  25. One last time, all together now, in honor of the legend:

    “Aim it at her tits, Eddie.”

  26. I just found out how easy it is to download the legal sports betting app DraftKings Sportsbook. I may end up regretting it.

  27. for all the other Stan Smith fans out here:

  28. Yes! I heard about his book when I was invited to the book signing this Sunday. Not a humblebrag, I think everyone on adidas’s email distribution list got an invitation.
