Monday, September 03, 2018

Revisit, Reuse, Recycle

We've been doing this for nearly 15 years, generally without much introspection, which is probably for the best. But we've had enough posts that it's a reliable content generator to take a swing through our archives and revisit some of the things we said.

As I mentioned a couple of days ago in the everlasting Deuce thread (don't think too hard about it), I made what's likely the last trip I'll ever make to visit my Mom in Myrtle Beach this weekend. I referenced local breakfast joint Tar Baby's in my comment, sure that I'd written about it here before.

Only in passing, as part of a story about South Carolina's bugfuck politics. Or, as compared to our current national political climate, South Carolina's perfectly normal and sweet Jesus can we just go back to a time when that was considered bugfuck politics. For posterity's sake, here's a picture of the venerable pancake house's signage.

I saw another sign that drew a double-take on my trip. Still causing a few mirthful shakes of the head.

Ivory's Accessible Transport Service does important work in the Castle Hayne, NC area (it's near Wilmington), making sure people can get to doctor's appointments and such. What Ivory's lacks is a graphic design partner that has an editor. To wit:

God bless you, rural coastal Carolinas. I'm not all that sad I won't see much of you any more, but I will miss your signs. Some of them.

When we last checked in on Tottenham Hotspur forward Son Heung-Min, the South Korean was staring down the barrel of a mandatory 21-month military commitment, required of all males in his country prior to their 28th birthday. The Asian Games in Jakarta represented his last opportunity after his national side failed (against extremely long odds) to win the World Cup.

South Korea advanced to the finals of the tournament against Japan. After 90 scoreless minutes, Son played a part in two extra-time tallies before Japan scored a late goal to make the final score 2-1. The winning team all received an exemption from their military service obligation. It wasn't exactly the final scene of Victory, but it was an escape of sorts for Kim and his teammates. He was pretty fired up.

We'll close out this remix with a nod to a couple of new sports franchises that should eventually get the Better Know Your Mascot treatment.

You already know about the Capital City Go Go, because we told you, but now they've got merch and a schedule. Don't make me tell you twice. See you at St. E's this winter.

You're likely less aware of a new East Coast Hockey League (ECHL) franchise based in St. John's, Newfoundland. The Toronto Maple Leafs affiliate is known as the Newfoundland Growlers, and their logo is one of the best I've seen in a dog's age:

If you've ever had the pleasure to spend time with a Newfie, you'll know how lovable and loyal those shaggy bastards are. The gear in their merch store is priced in Canadian dollars, which makes it a steal. Christmas is coming, my friends.

The 2018-19 ECHL schedule hasn't been released yet, but when it is, I'll let you know when the Growlers are slated to play the Norfolk Admirals. That's as good a reason for a mini-summit as any I can think of.

Let this post be a lesson to you if you're looking for filler. And judging from this week, you are. Just reach back into the GTB grab bag and pull out a few nuggets. It's good for the planet, and it's good for our postcount.


  1. Yesterday was indeed a big day for Rooneys. We scooped our pup in MD. One car barf on way home, but that’s okay b/c it’s the wifey’s car.

    I love the Carolinas, but there is some in-yer-face racism/Southern pride that is hard to swallow. I’ve been to OBX twice, staying in Corolla twice (and likely mispronouncing it twice). Whenever I drove anywhere, I saw so many pickups w/ Confederate flags that it made me want to fistfight a redneck. I’m guessing the prepondesance is due in part to Corolla being near the off-road section where shit gets really shady. But it still sucked.

  2. i insist that you read this:

  3. Pro tip: don’t put a nighttime pull-up in the washing machine.

  4. Speaking of diaper type things, our 8 month old bulldog decided last night was the time to get her period. We were told it’s best to let them have one before you get them fixed so now she’s hanging out in dog diapers for the next week or so. Why didn’t we just get a male dog?

  5. a caahoops/odu guy that teej and i met on twitter and then in person at a caa tournament game passed away today. he couldn't have been more than 45. no idea what happened to him. he was a sweet, kind dude. truly shitty.

  6. Was McFisty in the house to see the Nats historic acheivement today?

    TR, you should come to obx again. I was just there six weeks ago and never heard any racist talk at all.

  7. we did make a lot of fun of our blapanese friend, rootsy

  8. That's true rob, but there wasn't anything racist about it. It was more of a character driven comedy with a telegenic lead actor who keeps getting himself into the craziest situations...

  9. The Kavanaugh hearing is out of hand. The have protesters dressed in Handmail's Tale outfits.

  10. And Handmaid's Tale outfits too.

  11. Anybody out there recommend a (relatively) inexpensive set of wireless ear buds? Due for new headphones and thinking of the wireless push, even if having to charge headphones is one more way for me to fail at life at some inopportune time.


  12. you guys and gals start watching ozark yet? damn. it's stressful from the get go.
    currently in the uk. arrived today so this is a jet-lag fighting hi-gheorghies.

  13. yeah, five episodes into season one. it's gripping.

  14. Season 1 is not perfect, but it’s a lot of fun. I still have a hard time picturing Linney and Bateman as hubby/wife. It’s like he married his mom. But they’re both very good.

  15. i'm hoping that the hillbilly criminal syndicate delivers bateman's freedom from the cartel, and that there's a huge heat-style shoot-em-up in the season finale. don't tell me if i'm wrong.

  16. Nasal getting goose-egged in the first set is a bit of a surprise.
