Friday, September 07, 2018

Better Know Your Minor League Mascot

Alabama, long reliably one of the more ass-backward states in our fair union, is having a bit of a moment. (I mean, we'll not reference educational scores, teacher pay, per-capita income - just go with the bit, man.) The Crimson Tide reign supreme as the undisputed apex predator in the jungle of semi-professional American football. Semi, in this case meaning that the coaches and administrators are professional, at least. And the state did manage to send Doug Jones to the Senate, if only because the GOP nominated a literal crazy pedophile to oppose him.

This week, the Heart of Dixie added another tally to the good side of the ledger, minor league mascot category.

The Mobile BayBears of the Double-A Southern League are moving to Madison, AL for the 2020 season. Madison is a suburb of Huntsville, known as a technology center, and the place where the U.S. space program was born. (Lesser known, but not less importantly, as my home from 1978 to 1983.) In a contest to choose the name of the new team, the people of Northern Alabama chose a name that's crying out for the BKYMLM treatment.

Name: Rocket City Trash Pandas
League: Southern (AA)
Affiliation: Los Angeles Angels
Logo: TBD

Self-Absorbed East Coast Elitist Commentary:

The term 'trash panda' as a nickname for the common raccoon is a new invention, first finding life on Reddit in early 2014. Pretty meteoric rise for the fitting moniker for that craft scavenger. I love it on principle, as it's all kinds of whimsical and silly, and while raccoons can be found across the United States, they're identified with a certain strain of redneck usually found in the South.

I've got a bit of a quibble, though, about the nickname in this context. Huntsville is actually a pretty cosmopolitan city, at least by the standards of the deep South. It's got a burgeoning tech economy, a major Army base, the aforementioned space program, and a highly educated workforce. Trash Pandas feels a little like the town is trying too hard to convince its neighbors that it actually hasn't put on airs.

In the end, though, we'll allow it. Whimsy always wins. And given that the alternatives were Space Chimps, Moon Possums, ThunderSharks, and Comet Jockeys, Madison dodged a bullet.

Gheorgheness Quotient: 63/77


  1. I assume it’s a Barbarella reference. Eat more moon possum.

  2. All of the names sound like racist slang terms.

  3. Seems like some sensitivity training may be in order here, no?

  4. I’m in the Charm City this weekend. Amy favorite places to get my bev on?

  5. Whit - you should ask Kaare Vedvik.

  6. What's that hollerin? Bee pollen!

    These mascots all sound like Lambda Chi nicknames to me.

    If a president* loses the popular vote by almost 3 million ballots, is it any surprise that a lot of people don't like his Supreme Court pick?

  7. big fan of alewife, whit. assuming you're near the waterfront/camden yards. pratt street pub also a good time, good grub, good beer joint.

  8. Rob, what was the name of the breakfast place with the huge bloody marys?

  9. One time I had a ThunderShart

  10. The rest were just regular sharts

  11. it’s called miss shirley’s, marls. that place is killer.

  12. if you go to miss shirley's on a weekend, be prepared to wait a good long time. it's worth it, though.

  13. you are looking parker-gray stadium on the campus of tc williams high school, home of the titans. some of you may remember them.

  14. My freshman girlfriend went to TC Williams. Name her for a free beer.

  15. Rob went to Woodbridge but he was a handsome freshman

  16. amy smithers. that poor girl.

  17. As my friend Marls Sharter would say, my execution of being a decent boyfriend was... suboptimal.

  18. What’s a worse first name choice - Xander or Topher?

  19. Does anyone go by Mothy? One of you guys should.

    — Tney

  20. The Trash Pandas, Space Chimps, Moon Possums, ThunderSharks, and Comet Jockeys . . . sounds like when you tune into a college radio station after a long set and the dj is reading off the names of the bands he's just played.

  21. and i have never heard baltimore referred to as "the charm city." you learn something every day.

    or at least every other day.

  22. Suboptimal, but done with gusto. That has to count for something, right?

  23. I’ve been off social media all day and just saw Mac Miller died. Fuck.

  24. Coaching my first U8 soccer game of the season early tomorrow morning but I’m gonna have another and listen to a little more Mac Miller. “Donald Trump” currently on repeat.

  25. I randomly flipped on MTV tonight and stumbled into the video for the song Dang. Mac Miller had some skills.

    I’m having one more too, and I have a 630 AM wake-up for a travel soccer tourney. 100% chance I regret it tmrw morning.

  26. knock knock is kind of a banger, too. i knew mac miller was critically acclaimed, but i hadn't heard much of his stuff.

    mark, what's the most important thing a u8 team needs to focus on?
