Saturday, September 08, 2018

The Gheorghian Singularity

We've been at this for nearly 15* years, and I hope to keep it up for at least another 15. We've had no particular aim other than to entertain ourselves, and use our blog-level celebrity to meet the occasional famous person. We've more than succeeded by any measure we might've initially applied.

But even if we stay in the blog game for another three decades, we'll never exceed this moment. Friends, this is peak Gheorghe:

This is my thesis, man. This is my closing argument. I can stop blogging.

But I won't.

* Seriously, though, our 15th blogday is November 7. Start planning the mini-summit.


  1. You plan to keep it up for 15 years?

  2. i'll see a doctor first, i guess

  3. By the way, around here we call November 7 G:TBday.

  4. To answer Rob’s question re: the most important thing for U8 soccer to focus on, my answer is always “having fun”. As for actual strategy...well, I’m all ears.

  5. It’s all about getting your weak side midfielders to drop back and give support to your central defense. Piece of cake!

  6. that's the correct answer, mark.

  7. Here’s a lesson to take with you for dirty talk in the sack:

    If you tell a girl, “I’m going to spank the shit out of your ass,” it sounds super gross and not sexy at all. Pretty much a session ender.

    Now you know.

  8. Unless she’s into scheiße films.

  9. Hokies/Tribe. Giddyup. No lie, VT favored by 42. F that. Take the Tribe and the points.

  10. John Wall had a “Paid in Full” themed birthday party. With Eric B and Rakim! John Wall is great.

  11. hope everyone jumped on whitney’s gambling tip

  12. Still in Bmore Whit? Beer selection at Max's is fantastic. Was there Thurs, had a couple two three New England's for lunch. Tell Bob i said whazzup. Also the lobster roll at Thames Street Oyster House. Will cost you but worth every penny.

  13. the ending of the us open women's final was unbelievable. naomi osaka's deserved win was completely overshadowed by the referee totally losing control of the match.

  14. The women’s tennis final was bonkers and heartbreaking. A grandstanding chair ump cost Serena the match, the crowd went apeshit and it totally ruined the moment for the poor 20 y/o Naomi Osaka, who won. The trophy celebration was joyless for Osaka, and Serena had to tell the fans to stop booing and honor the champion. What a moment.

    That chair ump (is that what you call him?) is gonna catch some shit.

  15. Ordering BBQ at a non renowned BBQ place is such a dumb idea. And I did it tonight.

  16. Watch the new Mac McFisty episode. It’s good.

  17. Speaking of bbq....putting on a brisket at zero dark hundred tomorrow. I'm a little nervous. Hope I dont drink too much bourbon tonight.

  18. Rob and I are encroaching on Zman’s tennis corner. Simultaneously, apparently.

  19. I’m at a Lil Uzi Vert/Ty Dolla sign/G Eazy concert in West Palm (we got free VIP box tickets) with some friends. We are definitely amongst the 5% of oldest people here.

  20. Fans in the swamp are getting testy.

  21. Just waiting for another Kentucky heartbreaker.
    Feel really bad about Jimbo losing tonight. Not really.

  22. i hope mark's concert lasts a looooong time

  23. Jimbo has 75 million reasons to not give a fuck.

    My son decided last year he likes Kentucky. He’ll be stoked.

  24. I really thought the hokies were going to drive for 69 at the end. I think the Tribe would've understood.

  25. Concert ended in time to me see Florida lose first time in 31 years. Florida Football does not bring me regular joy anymore.

  26. I spent the day at zson’s U8 rec soccer game and taking him for lunch and haircuts for both of us, then went over to zgrandma’s to do some wheelchair and hearing aid maintenance and get her mail from zmom. Then I had to run around and help prepare for our neighborhood block party, which is the bane of my existence for several reasons, most of which you can imagine and several of which are completely unimaginable. As a result I saw zero of the finals. That said, I cannot imagine a situation where it’s appropriate to dock someone an entire game in a major match, let alone a final, let alone from the greatest player of all time. I’m at a loss for a reasonable comp in another sport.

  27. In other news, the kids got glow sticks at the block party and zson thought it would be funny to bite one. Predictably he cracked it and got some fluid in his mouth. This freaked him out so he and zwoman turned to the internet and found that the stuff is non-toxic. Apparently 45 people swallowed glow-stick-juice in Colorado last year, according to Colorado Poison Control. Only one of them was an adult. Upon learning this zson scoffed “Huh, must’ve been a woman.”

    In other other news, the DJ played “Here I Come (Broader Than Broadway).” I was completely dumbstruck. No one else knew what was going on but I guarantee that’s the first time anyone ever played Barrington Levy in my town, outside of me when I’m in zmobile.

  28. I watched the entire match. It was legit unbelievable. And I believe this ump has a history of calling ticky-tack fouls. He should never have been calling a finals match

  29. I’ve watched a ton of the US open and actually turned my non sports loving wife on to tennis within the last week or so. Of course, we missed today’s drama because we were drinking by the pool in West Palm before the concert.

    I’m quite happy I missed Florida losing to Kentucky tonight. Hanging out with millennials getting high was far better than watching that loss.

  30. Hi Gheorghies. Ended up putting that brisket on tonight. 1250 a.m. This documentation will only help me tomorrow.
    Arizona St. vs, Mich St....good game.

  31. Shlara, watched the whole finals last night plus the post match wrap up and the commentators were flabbergasted because the chair up had such a good reputation. May Jo Fernandez said she had never hear a bad thing about him. I agree with you that it was unbelievable. Calling a game penalty was about his ego not about what she did. His job is to deescalate the situation not make it worse and he failed miserably. There are a lot of things he could have done to avoid that result but instead made it about him instead of the match.

  32. Thanks for the invite Dan. Dave and I will be watching the Jags Giants too.

  33. Actually, based on today’s sentence of dave and my living in VA, neither of us will be watching. That said, we still would have come over for brisket.

  34. exactly Marls. that's exactly it.
    Serena was already imploding on her own, which was tough to watch
    and Naomi was dominating--her entire performance was a marvel to watch
    that ump inserted himself in the match that was already WAAAY intense, and made it worse for all

    and I think he did it b/c he didn't like being shown up by a woman.
    which is a whole other topic for another day.

    finally, it was a bad move for the biz of tennis
    when an ump takes on one of the athletes that keeps people engaged in the sport for decades, its bad for everyone

  35. We have a new low power fm radio station in Roanoke playing a wide assortment (apparently the industry term for their format is 'trainwreck'. They are playing David Alan Coe's green leafe closing anthem 'You Never Even Called Me By Name' on a Sunday morning. Weird.
