Thursday, July 19, 2018

For Your Musical Edification

In attempting to learn everything about all music of all time, you come across corners of the 'sphere like this one, a YouTube station stop called Middle 8. I don't know what the name means, nor do I really care.  But they have begun issuing some quick-hit, information packed mini-videos that quench my ongoing thirst for the kind of knowledge my father terms "useless" and that ORF Rock listeners seem to appreciate.

The first one I watched was a subject I was mildly familiar with: the lawsuit of 90's meteor The Verve as issued by the Glimmer Twins.  When it happened, Mick and especially Keith snidely disparaged the theft of their old tune by Richard Ashcroft and his band The Verve for the latter's song "Bittersweet Symphony," and sued them in a way that crippled the band into extinction. I loosely knew about the case, and I knew both songs well, but for the life of me I could never ever hear any traces of the Stones' "The Last Time" in "Bittersweet Symphony."

As it turns out, there's a pretty fucked up reason why.  Check it out in a data-laden six minutes or so below:

You can't always get what you want, I guess, unless you are selfish pricks with lots of money and lawyers.

Like lighter fare in your filler?  Here's a good one.  The last two minutes of this are a bit of unnecessary sociological scat (as labeled by the Sociology major here) about the nature of sports gatherings and human interaction, but the first four or five minutes are overflowing with very cool information I did not know.

There are other Middle 8 vids about How Kanye West Inspired Bon Iver, Does Greta Van Fleet Sound Too Much Like Led Zeppelin, How Portugal. The Man Made A Radio Hit, and Arctic Monkeys Coming to America, but I haven't watched them yet.  Yet.


Marls said...

So Mick and Keith aren’t really the bad guys?

Whitney said...

They're complicit. But not the sinister jerk behind it all.

Danimal said...

If someone in the GTB IT dept could sort out my inability to post from my phone, that'd be swell. I know it's a Google settings thing but crikey, I just can't sort it out.

Mark said...

I’ve been in Manhattan for approximately 5 hours and I’m still quite sober. A new record for me. By miles. Vacation with a teenager in tow makes NYC quite a different vibe. Not bad at all. Just different.

zman said...

I forgot how much I like daydrinking.

Mark said...

Day drinking is great. Kids really put a crimp in that.

rob said...

pretty soon our kids can daydrink with us. or mine and whitney's, anyway.

TR said...

Being jobless makes daydrinking feasible!

Mark said...

I had an enormous and delicious meal at Hanoi House in the East Village tonight. The owners are friends of friends so they just kept bringing us food (and booze). Just an abundance of delicious Vietnamese food. I highly recommend it if you’re ever in the area.

Marls said...

Danimal - click on “view web version” below the home button below. That may help.

zman said...

Marls is our new IT guy?

Danimal said...

Testing 1, 2, sibilance

Danimal said...

Marls wins!

Danimal said...


zman said...

Hey Danimal!

zman said...

So when does Julian Assange get invited to the White House?

zman said...

Joe Benigno clearly getting a WH invite too. Does this mean I have to stop using Harry's Razors? (Joke for 1-2.) Will he be banned from Section 212? (Joke for 1.)