Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Mail It In, Big Man

I've got several really good post concepts brewing in my brain kitchen (and by 'really good', I mean, 'posts that require at least three paragraphs to execute'), but I've been busier than Brian Williams at Bread Loaf (trust me, it's wryly amusing in an ironic, Vampire Weekend kinda way) this week and can't even find 10 minutes to string together enough cogent thoughts to make a sentence.

So instead, here's a compilation of the memos the G:TB assignment desk has sent me recently. Feel free to tell me what else you'd like to read about, so long as you're willing to wait a few months. Some of these will (may?) eventually become posts:

Andrew Sullivan called it quits at The Dish this week. His was the first and arguably most influential political blog, and he kept it relevant, intelligent, and thought-provoking for 15 years. We might keep it going for 15 years, but it won't be any of those things.

Our new favorite NBA player might be Giannis Antetokounmpo. He's like a giant praying mantis with handles. And he was just named the Eastern Conference Player of the Week.

The Washington Post and NCAA.com have both written stories about William & Mary basketball and its latest, best chance to end the NCAA Tournament drought we're all so keenly aware of. Firstly, welcome to our beat, interlopers. (And Dave Fairbank's. That dude won't lede you astray.) And secondly, this makes me nervous. I'd prefer just to chew my fingernails in obscurity, thank you very much.

Charlie Pierce is the best writer going, non-Ta-Nehisi Coates category. His piece on Dean Smith yesterday is shake-your-head-in-awe good.

I'm doing a podcast through work that had over 1,000 listens last week. If it keeps going, I might tell you guys about it.

Insect fucking is weird. Like, insects fucking each other, not that thing you were thinking. Perv.

Mailing it in. A G:TB tradition since 2003. (!)


  1. Lede you astray! We've been reading the same stuff. Pierce's column about Dean Smith was outstanding. The insect thing at Wired will give you nightmares.

  2. Rob--I'm also concerned about the media attention for the Tribe--everyone needs to leave them alone. It makes me nervous.

    And Zman--I'm totally digging Father John Misty too. Taylor Swift is annoying. None of you guys should let your kids listen to her.

  3. Just got the new Father John Misty album in the mail. It came with a cassette with demos for each song. Just need to find a tape player.

  4. I feel there is a Brian Williams joke somewhere in the Jon Stewart announcement.

  5. I like the "assignment desk" label. It will be used again. and again. and again.

  6. Which one of you NYC types will jump into the Daily Show vacancy? Come on.

  7. They are trading jobs in September, Danimal

  8. Also-I don't like these gossip sites talking about Hozier & Taylor Swift flirting. He seems like a cool dude, and she's bad news.

  9. Clare Bear - Grantland has a podcast with a former DBT member, Jason Isbell. In case you are interested.

  10. NY Post is so mean but so funny.

  11. who has the tribe/elon line?

  12. wow, that's a big number. tribe is unbeaten at home this season, with several dominant performances. we did lost at elon on the road earlier in the season. conflicting data points! tribe coming off a hard-fought road win against uncw - the kind of win that proved something about our stones. breathe deep, roll the dice on talent, and give the heavy points.

  13. I'm going to honor Tark by threatening somebody in my home with a samurai sword, Fresno style.

  14. Am I the only one here intrigued by this?


  15. Bradley Beal, struck by the Curse O' Les Boulez

  16. Avondre Jones would be proud, TR.

    Fox Sports actually did a documentary series on that Fresno team that featured Jones, Chris Herren, Rafer Alston, Terrance Roberson but this was long before those type of things were popular. I'd love to watch that again.

  17. The Knicks boast an impressive number of shitty white stiffs in their frontcourt.
