Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Tribe Pride

I still haven't fully processed Jon Stewart's departure from The Daily Show. It's probably time, frankly, but it's hard to overstate how good he was, and how influential his ostensibly comedy program was, for 16 years.

While we ponder deep thoughts, one of Stewart's most memorable moments below, from the time he demolished Paul Begala and Tucker Carlson on their own show, Crossfire. Balls.


  1. tribe wins! tribe covers!

    manhattans with fogtb buck on a school night. good times.

  2. Holy crap on the Avondre Jones recall, Mark. Rafer is the only guy I can recall from that team.

  3. Pour one out for Bob Simon. May help Steve Kroft keep his job.

  4. I loved that Fresno team and the couple that followed it with their string of talented but "troubled" transfers. Courtney Alexander, Kenny Bruner (also involved in the samurai sword incident), etc.

    I was always a big Chris Herren fan dating back to when I read Fall River Dreams in high school and that team was super talented and fun to watch so I paid way more attention to Fresno St. basketball than most.

  5. One of my college roommates is getting married in Peru in December. I guess I should start looking at flights.

  6. She got a cousin in customs that get ish through?

  7. LAN is actually a solid airline. All new planes.

  8. Marls is the guy from those Dos Equis ads. Or Esteban Vihaio.

  9. Tickets out of Miami are around $700. Not too bad.
