Sunday, May 11, 2014

Happy Mother's Day

Once every four years, we celebrate the mothers in our lives with a hastily-written celebration of a wildly inappropriate yet aptly titled song. I love you, Mom. Please ignore this song.


  1. Wonderful hospitality at Casa de Teej last night.

  2. Line from last night's Nets game:

    A. Blatche 20 5/10 10 0 3 15

  3. What has to happen for the Dolphins to clean out their front office staff?

  4. Jeff Ireland is a schmuck and he's gone. Philbin is a high character guy, even if he didn't know about the Martin stuff.

  5. ran 11 miles this morning. after that, worked up a quality brunchdrunk. followed that immediately with a quick lawnmowing session - not terribly surprising how few fucks are given about the quality of the yard work after a few toddies. later, gonna go buy a new computer for the family, then give the mother of my children 3 to 4 minutes of high-quality lovemaking. can see a few beers sprinkled in amongst these activities. pretty much renaissance suburban dad over here.

  6. Has the missus ok'ed the lovemaking in advance? That's very organized.

  7. eh, it's just as likely that i fall asleep on the couch after one too many sunday evening beers.

  8. I've a fiver that says it doesn't happen.

  9. the wiz are gonna blow this, aren't they?

  10. Three to four minutes is optimistic. A few years ago before zwoman, I was out in my hometown the night before tgives. Big night out, a bit of a homecoming. I stole a line from Little Brother and told a lady "All I have to offer you tonigh is fifteen minutes of passion on my mama's futon." She did not take the bait.

  11. something called bryant beat syracuse in the first round of the ncaa lax tournament today.

  12. yeah, that's a pretty lousy collapse by the home team.

  13. My stepdad went to Bryant.

    And poor Wizzies.

  14. Albany beating Loyola deserves mention too. They have a dude with a ponytail down to his ass. It's almost as long as Zman's pit hair.

  15. oh, Wizards.

    the internet wasn't working in the I couldn't tweet or update the blog. why did Randy keep J-Wall in the game? Why didn't Booker get time to annoy Paul George? The AARP guys were awesome. Typical Wiz 3Q tho.

    I have no voice left.

    Two silver linings--I did get to chat with C-Webb before the game. He's still as charming as ever. And I did see Gheorghe as I was leaving the bldg. I was driving out as he was getting into his car. Back in the day, I drove a black VW convertible. I've upgraded to an Audi convertible now & he thought I stil had the same car.

    Knowing our Wiz, they will win in Indy and then lose at home, in front of us.

  16. Hi Gheorghies.
    Shlara....not to pile on any further, but did you know Adam got hitched a couple of weeks ago?
    After a delayed flight, a missed connection, and another delayed flight, I'm in beautiful Newark 9.5 hrs after leaving my house.

  17. What does Gheorghe drive? A suburban or something like that? His rise has to be huge.
