Saturday, January 11, 2014

NFL Open Thread: Nightmare Fuel

Courtesy of, a compendium of some of the most graphic, fascinating, and creepy images of insect-on-insect violence you'll ever want to see.

Below, an interpretation of what I expect the Seahawks to do to the Saints this afternoon:


  1. I think NO goes to the SB. In fact I thought that whoever won between NO/Philly would be the NFC champion. Remember that I'm an idiot so bet heavily on Seattle.

  2. i, too, am an idiot, though. this will be an interesting battle of dipshit prognosticators.

  3. also, happy birthday shlara!

  4. Happy bday Shlara.
    Please stop w New Orleans predictions.

  5. After going about 1 for 10 last week, my boy Declanimal redeemed himself with a huge day...going 4 for 8ish with a few boards, a steal, and plenty of travel free dribbling in his 5-6 bball game.

  6. power outage in the gym during soccer practice. pandemonium!

  7. Harvin might be out for the game.

    Some really solid tackling on display early with these two defenses. I forgot what that looked like.

  8. Ford is pimping their foot activated tailgate really hard. Out of curiosity, does anyone see that feature and say "Oh snap, I want a Ford"?

  9. saints making little mistakes - costly

  10. Beast Mode stat graphic was designed to irk me.

  11. Does anyone else hate the Seattle secondary? I would not root for an injury, but is it too much to ask for Earl Thomas to get a case of diarrhea before the second half?

  12. Not me, Mayhugh. Big fan of Earl Thomas and Richard Sherman.

    Also, Marshawn Lynch's combination of power and lateral agility is otherworldly.

  13. Watch #24 on the Saints. He wants no part of tackling Lynch. On the TD run he basically stopped running so he would not have to take him on.

  14. Rob Ryan has a photo of detlef schrempf on his play sheet.

  15. Seattle's defense is filthy. Hard to imagine the Saints driving 80 yards without a huge play.

  16. I don't like Seattle's secondary b/c I suspect they are all on PEDs.

  17. Maybe it's the same thing but I marvel at lynch's balance more than agility. He can only be tackled by being dragged to the ground. Hit him hard and like a weeble he wont fall down because he can balance himself on the edge of one toe.

  18. The issue w/ the Saints is they are a dome team. I don' care if Brees played at Purdue. The roster is meant for ideal conditions indoors and the defense is average at best.

  19. His balance is tremendous. I love his ability to quickly jump or shuffle laterally to avoid direct contact and get extra yards.

    It felt like the Saints were about to make a game of this until they were stopped on 4th down. Then Harvin makes a huge catch on 3rd down and New Orleans is in trouble.

  20. The bills could use a power back like lynch.

  21. Maybe the saints can run it down their throat with Sproles? Hahaha.

  22. Dirty hit on Harvin.

    Bigger question - does the announcing team here signify that the Kenny, Moose and Goose trio has been broken up or demoted? I thought they were the #2 team.

    I like the pair doing this game. Just announce and leave out the toolish commentary (Moose) and the big-jugged worthless commentary (Goose).

  23. John Lynch could play for the Saints today. He looks the same as he did ten years ago.

  24. He certainly looks younger than Roman Harper.

  25. I can't say enough bad things about these Ron Burgundy Durango ads.

  26. I dislike the Direct Tv ads more.

  27. They have to go for two. It's a three score game if they only get one or zero.

  28. Seattle's lack of offense is coming back to bite him. I like Russell Wilson but at this point he stills more like a game manager than the elite QB he's billed as.

  29. Have the saints got more than twenty yards on any one play?

  30. Why did they kick the FG? Even if they make it they need five points and they were inside seattle's 30

  31. Garrett Hartley just smirked.

  32. NFL coaches are terrible at math.

  33. So I guess I could be an NFL head coach.

  34. I dislike Pete Carroll more than I dislike seattle's secondary.

  35. Graham will probably put this through the uprights.

  36. That's a shitty way to end a game.

  37. among the more anticlimatically stupid endings i can recall

  38. If you had New Orleans +9.5 its been an emotional last 3 minutes. At least that's what I'd guess.

  39. Me.
    Funny...I forgot I was a couple min behind live action. My "yeah" was for the last new orl td bc of wager.....the holy shitballs for the onside kick. Fascinating heh?

  40. Going for 1 was the right move. Colston's mistake deserves a ton of attention. An absolutely awful move.

  41. I felt the "uprights" comment was pretty humorous, to me. Graham was getting ready to kick on side, after having previously missed two field goals. I'm sure if you go back and read it, you too will find it pretty hilarious. I'll hang up now.

  42. colston just steps out of bounds, the saints have the ball on the 37 with 10-12 seconds left. can't even fathom what was going through his head.

  43. So A-Rod is suspended but will still be at spring training? That fucker needs to go away.

  44. That had to be a drawn up play where if he had the look, to throw the lateral. I can't imagine that was something he thought he'd try out.

  45. But he threw it forward. I gurantee that isn't what they ran in practice.

  46. Yeah....terribly executed. Just pointing out somebody likely gave him the option.

  47. Which if it But Rob said, they had it inside the 40.
    Allie is purty.

  48. I see Luck still has all of his gnarly hair.

    By the way, started reading the new Johnny Carson book the other night. So far so very entertaining.

  49. Agreed, Colston couldn't have freelanced that play spur of the moment.

  50. Allie is indeed a tour La Force.

  51. Nice of Pats defense to keep this a ball game.

  52. man, the colts are being really aggressive. me likey.

  53. Someone stole $250k in cash and jewelry from Desean Jackson's house. This is why you should keep your money in a bank.

  54. What I am reading while sipping Red Stripe in the dark on my bed while my kids refuse to fall asleep:!/entry/espn-to-air-8-new-30-for-30-films-as,52d1d405025312186cb60790

    Very excited for most of these.

  55. what's the most cash you've ever seen live? i'm hard pressed to remember ever seeing more than a grand or so.

  56. I put down $7K in cash for a car once.

  57. By "car" I mean "beautiful transvestite"

  58. I've taken a couple grand out of the bank to pay off my doormen etc for Christmas (another reason to avoid living in Manhattan) but that's about it.

  59. My father in law is from Italy and owns a high end Italian restaurant. I've seen some large amounts at his house. Five digits.

  60. He's never broken any off for me. So I'm not shit.

  61. how much does one pay a doorman at christmas, z?

  62. laron landry misplays a long pass? unpossible.

  63. I don't recall exactly but I think the doormen get $100 each but you also have to pay the porters and myriad other people who make the anthill that is a NYC hi-rise function.

  64. andrew luck is going to break manning's records in 3 or 4 years.

  65. Which is good. Cause fuck the Patriots. (Says the guy who used TJ root for New England. Fuck it, I'm loaded up on a DayQuil / NyQuil potion)

  66. My phone autocorrects "to" to my name? Wtf

  67. I remember teej in a pats shirt somewhere back in the mid 90's

  68. Manning's records will definitely be broken with these new rules. There's no way that a 37 year old man with his neckkbones fused together can have the best QB season of all time. The records have to fall.

  69. That play to the fullback worked great in Madden 93.

  70. Dierdorf said the NFL is a passing league and intimated that its hard to run now,or at least that there is less incentive. His next sentence was "If you run the ball enough, eventually you will break a long one." Goodbye Dan!

  71. Just a reminder that LeGarrette Blount wasn't deemed a Buccaneer man by Greg Schiano and thus not good enough to play for the Bucs this year.

  72. Is it just me or is dierdorf merging into dick enberg?

  73. dierdorf is doing some dadaesque shit this evening

  74. Dierdof huffed a bunch of glue at the half. Did anyone else laugh at the image of dierdorf sitting at his desk tryin to pronounce NE's TE's name?

  75. Andrew Luck threw four picks but probably won't get killed for tonight's performance. I understand that the Colts really Aren't that talented overall four picks is BAD. But I bet most won't hammer Luck. He's the Teflon don of QBs right now.

  76. I do think Luck is a beast though. Just saying he's not quite yet what he's billed as. His beard is pretty awesome though.

  77. It still feels early for a Hi Gheorghies...
