Sunday, January 12, 2014

Diesel and Dusted Off

I was rooting around in my basement yesterday, making space for the detritus of another stuff-centric Christmas, when I came across several boxes of old CDs. While it pales in comparison to Clarence's library - hell, Alexandria's fabled stacks are a quaint little compilation compared to Clarence's - I once had a decent little collection of tunes.

Flipping through offerings from bands I hadn't thought about in years (The Sidewinders! Urge Overkill! Arrested Development! The Housemartins!), I paused when I came to a pair of Midnight Oil discs. I loved that band in its heyday. Whether it was frontman Peter Garrett's frenetic charisma, or the Oils' naked liberalism (which appealed to my uber-idealistic teen self), or simply the fact that the band kicked ass, I wore out Diesel and Dust (1987) and Blue Sky Mining (1990). 1992's Scream in Blue (Live) is one of the great concert records I've ever heard.

So in another recurring feature destined not to recur, here's a little musical memory lane:


  1. Wore out Diesel and Dust as well. Had a job as a bike messenger back in the day. Was cruising home on M St one eve through Gtown circa 1988ish and noticed a tall gangly bald man in a long Aussie Outback Coat walking briskly. It was fucking Peter Garreett. Slow peddled alongside him and had a nonchalant chat. Talked some Wallabies, said he loved to walk cities while on tour and check out guys in tights on bikes. That seemed weird.

    Informed me there were still tix left that night at Lisner. Picked up a couple and went with a buddy. Killer show. That guy brought it.

  2. Edna Garrett? Or Garrett Pendleton?

  3. z, when i write the arrested development memory, mr wendal will get some run. that record was pretty important to me.

  4. Mr Wendal is no Tennessee. The track on Tennessee is banging.

  5. tennessee is really great. i dug 'give a man a fish', too.

  6. Was the trumpeter waring a Frank Reich jersey?

  7. just teed up 'tennessee' on the youtube. damn, that's a great song.

  8. Near bloody taint today. New shorts. Tmi?

  9. had some inner thigh chafing from the lining to my shorts myself, danimal. 13 miles down. how far'd you go?

  10. The Cam td pass was exquisite.

  11. It was. And what the duck is wrong with you people? Stop running so much.

  12. if you follow me on spotify, i'm working on a 'musical memory lane' playlist. apparently i was really into hooky guitar pop.

  13. My taint is asking me that same question.

  14. My stepdaughter was listening to Drake earlier today. I'm doing an awful job as a parent.

  15. I'm not a total deadbeat, TJ.

  16. All of the bandaids in my house have Elmo or Abby Cadaby on them. How did this happen?

  17. wait. danimal's taint can talk? how have we not heard about this before?

    'mind if i ass you a question?'

  18. the niners are sneaky unsportsmanlike. they play on their historic image as a 'clean' team, but they're kinda assholey.

  19. Danimal's grundle grumbles?

  20. Danimal's taint's complaint.

  21. new feature!

    danimal's rectal ruminations

  22. even danimal's ass wouldn't have fucked up that roughing the passer call. that's just turrrrible officiating.

  23. Danimal's sandbar's sidebars.

  24. Danimal's pooper's bloopers.

  25. danimal's prostate of the nation

  26. mr kq - that's a really cool peter garrett story. someone else we know (of the female variety) claims to have had carnal knowledge of him. though i can't for the life of me remember who that person is.

  27. for your consideration: san fran's fake punt with 23 seconds left was a lower-risk play than punting against an 11 v 8 rush. discuss.

  28. Wes Welker has a new concussion resistant helmet. Why the fuck doesn't everyone have to wear these or one of those Mark Kelso "gazoo" helmets? Why is this so hard to figure out?

  29. Phil Simms and Boomer Esiason have identical heads of hair. They must buy their plugs from the same guy.

  30. While I admit Harbough must be a great coach, I'm kind of ready for him to lose. Big.

  31. Two for two on typos today. So I've got that going for me.

  32. my daughter has a soccer game at 6. pretty fucking inconsiderate of her, if you ask me.

  33. Love the Peter G story. When I think of Peter G I think of his out of this world epileptic dance moves.

  34. Geoff just called me a scumbag on Twitter. Can't really argue with him.

  35. Mr. KQ, yours is a perfect typo style for this blog, in that you only mistype surnames and nobody here wants theirs typed.

  36. The older Philip Rivers gets, the las mature he becomes. These are the behaviors scolded in my kids' grade school basketball league.

  37. the lines next week at this moment are sf +3.5 and n.e. +4.5

    i can only guess these will go down a smidge. hint hint.

    and rob, i see today that jmu is really bad at the basketball. haven't looked at their record in some time. a sad state of affairs indeed.
