Friday, January 10, 2014

Flu Friday Filler

Zman has been beaten down by the flu since last year and even managed to infect Zson (Kemba...he'll always be Kemba to me). And now it seems his radio partner The Teej is laid up to. Bad times here at GTB HQ. As always, we'll soldier on and provide minimal effort to fulfill the tiny dictator's POSTCOUNT(!) mandate.

Since our last pic of Saint Ronny was such a hit, here's another classic.

Somebody go check on The Teej and bring him some chicken soup. While you're there stop by and check on Geoff too. I think that picture might be too much for his delicate sensibilities.

As it turns out, the Gipper was a fashion trendsetter. Betabrand's line of dress sweatpants and hoodies is the logical heir to Reagan's style. As always, we live in Ronnie's world.


  1. Kemba could be a fine girl's name ...

  2. The First Fupa looking very presidential there. Joke all you want, but Dutch was a fashion trendsetter, with the unfortunate claim to fame of having popularized brown suits and cardigans in the 1980s. When he wasn't setting fashion trends, he also dabbled in crushing communism and fostering economic prosperity.

  3. I haven't had an adult beverage since last Saturday, and the degree to which I am proud of myself for this accomplishment is probably indicative of some sort of a "problem." I don't know if we have a name for said problem, but generally its something to do with drinking and liking drinking and wanting to do it a lot. I'll call it boozetagiousness.

  4. Kudos to Geoff. I went from last Sunday until last night and was proud of myself. Of course, I've 'been to Colorado' a few times in between Sunday and Thursday.

  5. Thanks buddy. Also, the stomach flu worked its way through my extended family starting on December 23 running straight thru the New Year. My wife and the former frat guy who married my wife's sister both had the distinct pleasure of spending all of Christmas day puking their guts out. I was one of two people in the extended fam never to get it...knock on wood.

  6. I haven't had a drink since at least December 28, assuming that purple drank doesn't count.

  7. The Teej has both homemade turkey and chicken soup available. He prefers pizza. I added apple for at least some vitamins.

  8. Feed him some kiwi fruit. It does wonders.

  9. the teej needs to get healthy. we've got a date on tuesday night.

  10. I had a pear and prosciutto pizza last weekend. Delicious. Just thought y'all should know.

  11. that sounds fucking divine, mark

  12. I am morally opposed to fruit on pizza, other than tomatoes and olives (assuming olives are fruit). But pears and prosciutto are pretty fucking good together. If gorgonzola was involved I'd give that fruity pizza a free pass.

  13. there's a little pizza joint in my town that has a pizza with bacon, gorgonzola, and apples, drizzled with a balsamic reduction. fannnntastic.

  14. The apple pizza was also w/ham. It was a good stand in for pears.

  15. have worked w/a girl here in the office for about 10 yrs. good gal. I just hear her say on the phone to someone, "mom finally sold the house...yeah...uh-uh....yup, andre the giant's old house....yada yada"

    she gets off, and I say, "ash, didn't mean to eavesdrop but I heard you mention andre the giant in your conversation...."

    the house she speaks of had been in their family for years, sold to andre the giant, and bought back from his estate after his death. house located in Ellerbe, nc, between Pinehurst & Charlotte. it was apparently his sanctuary and where his ashes are buried. I guess they weren't buried per se, but thrown? released into the air? whatever. now I know.

  16. and am meeting the fam after dinner for pizza. just regular pizza.

  17. As a kid I remember my dad talking about a guy (nicknamed Jughead!) riding back from a golf trip, dead drunk and insistent that The Beatles had written a song about Ellerbe.

    After awhile someone figured out he was probably referencing Elanor Rigby.


  19. Watching Reagan laugh at his jokes is as funny as the jokes themselves.

  20. Z- Gorgonzola was involved.

    Now, I'm trying to picture this house Andre the Giant lived in.

  21. You can google it...was auctioned off....pretty nice spot. Bfe though.

  22. Apparently these will be released in the US soon. I hope they also do the orange and blue colorway.

  23. If I played tennis I'd buy those. Junior high flashback.

  24. Marshawn Lynch's combination of power and lateral agility is otherworldly.
