Friday, October 07, 2011

New Black Star song!

It's only been 12 years since Black Star released their lone self-titled album. Perhaps another one is in the works? Who knew that Colbert would break the news?

And Mos Def isn't Mos Def anymore.


  1. Oh man. I'd be giddy as a school girl if a new Black Star album came out. I wore the first one in college. Also, Blackalicious & Talib Kweli was one of the best concerts I ever attended.

  2. I found those clips quite enjoyable. Well done, zman.

  3. The Colbert line leading into the show was great.

    I know a lot of you rocked out to GNR but ever thought Axel would look like this:

  4. For clarification's sake: I meant to say I wore out the Black Star CD in college. I never actually wore the CD. Though I did have a Black Star t-shirt.

  5. A month ago, if you had asked me what I would pay for the Braves to miss the playoffs and the Phillies and Yankees to get bounced in the first round, I think I would have paid around $300. I have some issues, but I am very happy tonight.

    Here's to Mark's Cards.

  6. Geoff prefers Mark's nards. According to Steve Doocy, that is.
