Wednesday, October 05, 2011

Gheorghe is quite photogenic this week

Just days after we saw our namesake catching big ass fish comes this photo of Gheorghe in a spin class (that is what this type of aerobic exercise is called, right?)...

With Ray Lewis.

Where will our fearless hero be photographed next?


  1. I was expecting an apology to AJ post.

  2. Nah, I fully expect him to implode in an ALCS start if the Yankees get that far.

  3. I like how everyone but Gheorghe has a serious road bike and he as an out for a Sunday ride bike.

  4. Dan Synder has a new boat, y'all

  5. in gheorghe's defense, squeak, i doubt there are a lot of road bikes that fit the big man's frame. he's lucky they didn't put him on one of those old-timey giant-wheeled thingies.


    have you seen that? she's cute.

  7. I play on two different men's rec league basketball teams. One is far more "urban" than the other. On the urban team, we added a new player this year. He is black and his name is Jay. Everybody calls him Coon though. That's how I was introduced to him. I still call him Jay though.

  8. Tomas Tranströmer of Sweden has won this year's Nobel Prize in Literature. The 80-year-old poet's work features layers of complex imagery; with Tranströmer, there's more than meets the eye.

  9. been playing golf for 25+ years. never been hit with a ball. until today, when shanky mcslicemore ripped a low screamer off my kneecap. holy fuck does that hurt. to make matters worse, it richocheted off my ankle, leaving two angry bruises.

    golf remains a stupid game.

  10. how many years has whitney been waiting for transtromer to win that award- just so he could use that joke?

  11. I witnessed Jerry taking a golf ball to the chest. I've never seen a guy go down that fast.

  12. Mayhugh - You've clearly never seen Geoff at the Republican National Convention. Hi-oh!

    Thank you. I'll be hear all week.

  13. Geoff takes a wide stance when he addresses the ball.

  14. While Mark sorts out the difference between "hear" and "here," I'm going to focus on finding out how much Zman is paying Steve Doocey to write his material. And then I'm going to go blow a bunch of dudes at a Log Cabin Republicans "meeting."

  15. I'd like to blame my phone's auto correct feature but I'm just lazy. And stupid.

  16. Wow. Didn't know Ivan Nova had the old Kenny Rogers leash on.

  17. The league premieres tonight on FX. Set your DVR. Or don't. I really don't care.

  18. You care a little bit, TR. It's okay.

  19. I love the no-holds-barred approach to a final game of a playoff series. Not so much when my favorite team is being shut out, but still fun. Just wish Girardi let Hughes go more than 1 1/3 innings.

  20. girardi is overmanaging the shit out of this game. tony larussa thinks he's out of control.

  21. Joey G has Robertson and Mo, but I would hate to think they'll need to go 3 combined to get thru this thing. If Soriano gets us thru the 7th, we'll be okay.

    Torre managed like this in elimination games and had a good track record. But it is a bit knee-jerk. He overmanaged badly in '09 and the team still won. We'll see what happens.

  22. Are they still going to televise the rest of the games now that the Red Sox and Yankees are out?

  23. watched seven minutes of baseball this season . . . so much for the yankees . . . but if anyone wants to celebrate, i threw a 34 tonight at baseball in darts.
