Saturday, October 08, 2011

I Left the North Again

I'm fascinated by obsession, with that inexplicable inner drive that forces some people to go to absurd lengths to climb their mountain.  I think it's because I find it so easy to stop at the foothills.  Janice Whaley's The Smiths Project is a monument to such single-minded devotion.

Whaley recorded every track - vocal and instrumental - from every one of The Smiths' 71 songs over the course of a year.  The result is both a beautiful tribute to a great band and a testament to Whaley's persistence, talent, and creativity.  In her honor, I plan to update my goofy blog on a semi-regular basis over the next year, and cajole my fellow bloggers for content in a decidedly half-assed manner.


  1. you've inspired me. i'm going to write a post soon.

    should you say "fascinated by" or "fascinated with"? or are they both correct?

  2. it should be "fascinated with obsession".

    "fascinated by obsession" means you are fascinated with something and you are also adjacent to a bottle of perfume.

  3. Woulda been funnier if Mr. Truck had answered Dave's question.

  4. thank goodness we have an english teacher on staff

  5. I have absolutely zero expectations for Florida at LSU this afternoon. Other than me being drunk, of course.

  6. i like how mark's multi-platforming his messaging now. branding like a motherfucker.

  7. wow, oklahoma/texas is serious asswhippery

  8. You left Leesburg? And you think Leesburg is the north?

  9. Best case for Florida is one of those sloppy-ish slugfests that's something like 10-6 halfway through the 4th quarter. LSU has played their fair share of those.

    Every other case has Florida scoring no more than 10 and LSU scoring much more than 10.

    I decided to settle in the for the noon window today. Huge disappointment. Now I'm watching the Rangers-Ducks from Stockholm.

  10. As I stated on twitter, I actually like Jacoby Brissett more than Jeff Driskell long term. However, I was not quite prepared for Brissett to start today. Eveidently, Driskell's not even going to play. Out with bum ankle. Things just keep getting worse for Muschamp.

  11. Were those guys supposed to redshirt?

    Burning redshirts on guys who aren't athletic freaks really annoys me. Probably more than it should.

  12. i kind of forgot that mr. truck ever existed . . .

  13. I feel like if an Australian punter is about to score a 50 yard TD, he should be cut some slack when it comes to taunting.

  14. I completely agree, Jerry. Terrible penalty. Brissett was supposed to redshirt. Not Driskell.

  15. no shit. that call was a wee bit overkill.

  16. ok state has 56 points and 500+ yards at halftime against kansas.

  17. Tribe game is available on

  18. tuned in just in time to see delaware score for the second time. thanks, jerry.

  19. Not overly mad at Florida's total performance. Kind of what I expected. Still, I don't really enjoy sucking.

  20. Maine just beat JMU on a 2 pt conversion in OT. It involved a snap that didn't go through the legs and there was nobody on the OL - just a guy who threw the ball back to the QB.

    Paulus is looking pretty good.

  21. hey, delaware won the women's national figure skating championship. national trap and skeet tournament, too. how 'bout them hens.

  22. Not many teams are going to stay close at LSU with a true freshman QB taking his first snaps. There's just nothing that can be done about that. Florida still loses with Brantley, but at least you could've expected them to have a chance. It would've taken a miracle to win today.

  23. A miracle and then some. Still, getting your ass kicked in the SEC is no fucking fun. The Auburn trip: not nearly as cool as it seemed this summer.

  24. 8 jax peeps/friends/training buddies finishing kona right now...mowlam & burke, libby bergman, tony maniatis, marni sumbal, susan wallis...
    the wallis story should either be an espn 30/30 or nbc profile...

    12th annual pinehurst invitational winding down. liggered.

  25. seriously, look up some of these times...nutty impressive
