Wednesday, November 10, 2010

The 43 Days of Gheorghe-mas: 43 Goal Type Things

On the forty-third day of Gheorghe-mas, Big Gheorghe gave to me . . .

43 Goal Type Things

It's been a long time since I posted, but soccer season is winding down, and so soon I will be back in full force. In fact, this week, I only have five soccer events (Sports Awards Night, Uniform Collection Day, an Adult League Game, a Pick-up Game and a Kid's Game to Coach). In September and October I was averaging nine soccer events a week, which is ridiculous, but it's definitely better than nine coal-mining events, so I'm not complaining.

To make things easy, I decided to stick with a recurring theme. I haven't written more than one sentence in a row in over two months, so I'm feeling a little rusty. I think the residual glee from my topic will supercede my poor writing . . . as I am upping the ante and kicking off  The 12 Days of Gheorghe-mas early. If my count is accurate, then we are on day 43.  And here are 43 Goal Type Things to get you ready for the New Year. The entire G:TB staff should definitely watch more sunsets, kiss more in the rain, and get more tattoos.


  1. i want to meet chuck norris and learn to surf.

  2. I want the Bills to finish with a winning record for the first time since 2004. But that's impossible this year.

  3. I want Oprah to get hit by a bus.

  4. Dave wants me to get a tattoo? Well, okay. I don't want to disobey my elders.

  5. maybe we need a consolidated gheorghe new year's resolution list. everyone makes a resolve, we throw money in the pot, and then ala seinfeld's "the bet," we see who breaks down first.

  6. Dan- you've lived in Florida (and near the beach) for at least a couple years, it's definitely about time you learned to surf. I know a 6 year old who can...

  7. I want to be a part of a blog with cool people writing for it.

  8. ...and to follow Zman's lead, I want to watch the Tribe in the NCAA tournament.

  9. if we all learn to surf, will we be cooler? i can skim board, but i'm not very cool.

  10. I'm the Kelly Slater of web surfing.

  11. that's my hope dave, and sole reason for thinking about possibly potentially probably not doing it.

  12. UNIONTOWN, Pa. - Police say a new father faces drug charges because he lit up a marijuana joint, instead of a cigar, to celebrate his child's birth at a western Pennsylvania hospital.

  13. Jerry, you don't need to bother with Undercovers anymore - it just got cancelled (I watched one episode and completely agree with that was pretty shitty).


    another early resolution - take the time to learn how to embed a link despite that not doing so annoys others.

    the guy in the story above really knows how to party. come on, read it. you know you want to. don't be lazy. it's really not that hard to copy and paste. do weet now!

  15. Ok, who is bring this to OBFT next year?

  16. Have we ever seen Lusi Scola and Russell Brand in the same room?

  17. andrei kirilenko's hair is awesome

  18. He looks like Karl's brother from Die Hard.

  19. Mark and Jerry have seen more of him than the half I've seen, but Courtney Lee has either regressed a great deal or just wasn't that good to begin with.

  20. I get to choose from the Chenier/Buckhantz duo or Hubie. Can't lose.

  21. Andray Blatche picks up the absolute worst fouls. I swear he's getting whistled for the apathý as much as the contact.

    And John Wall is about to have a triple double with Magic in the front row.

  22. At spurs/clips right now. Both teams make me sad to be a Knicks fan.

  23. First ever Dukes of Hazzard on CMT right now. Waylon's bringing us a lot of introductory colloquialisms. And Uncle Jesse just informed us that the big city of Atlanta "ain't been right since Sherman burned it." Game on.
