Sunday, January 03, 2010

Zoltan tells the man "What You Do To Me" is make me procrastinate when you call me into the office at 9:30 AM on a Sunday

I know we have a general ban on Sunday posts, but I got called into the office at 9:30 AM and I'm grumpy about it. So I'm going to impose my will, perhaps unfairly, on G:TB and its readers. And I'm going to tell you that you should be listening to the Black Keys' new album, "Blakroc." Here's a particularly enjoyable track, "What You Do To Me." That's all the enjoyment you should have while I'm at work, and in particular I hope you find no enjoyment in today's slate of NFL games while I toil away for the man.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I thought we could use some extra space for Week 17 comments. And I'm bitter. Like early-to-mid-90's vintage Zoltan bitter.

  3. hey, you do what you need to do, z-man. gtb is here for you.

  4. Thanks. I just finished papering the windows in my office and I'm moving on to garbage bagging the smoke detector.

  5. whitney's boy bruce rader gets a mention in the sportsbog today. and the tribe gets some love in the new york times. i'd give you links, but i'm lazy.

  6. When do the new top 25 rankings come out? Monday?

  7. I don't see us sneaking into the top 25. We're 35th in the AP poll and lower in the other. I see us in the 26-29 range.

    And I like the Z-Man's 3rd person reference to himself. TR thinks that's funny.

  8. i think the top 25 is a coin flip. we're now #3(!) in the rpi - every other team in the top 10 is ranked - and we're beginning to see national press. wouldn't shock me. the fact that we're having this discussion does, though.

  9. I meant to modify "bitter" with "Zoltan" to explain that I'm insanely bitter. So Zoltan is an adjective here, not a third-person reference. Or so I hoped.

  10. I finally saw a picture of Buddy Nix. I don't think he's related to Hakeem Nix.

  11. We have a ban on Sunday posts? What, do we have some blogging blue laws?

  12. not really a ban. more a longstanding institutional laziness.

  13. I was about to put a two-week personal boycott on the Sportsbog for mentioning and even linking to Bob Molinaro's column without using descriptors such as "misguided," "poopy pants," or "dope," but then I saw it was a broken link. Very sly, Sportsbog. I shouldn't have doubted you.

  14. usc just banned themselves from the upcoming hoops postseason for violations related to oj mayo. opens up a spot for the tribe.

  15. And TJ is excited that OJ is in the news again.

  16. The Bills are up 14-7 against the Colts' backups. They know that the draft order is inversely related to final record, right?

  17. nice of the giants to help the vikings get healthy

  18. Here I was, struggling to recover on my couch from Vegas, when this strange ringing began in my ear...36 hour hangover you say? was my OJ alarm.

  19. Cleveland might finish the year with four consecutive wins? With a collective team QB rating of 56.0? We should get Cliffy to try out for the Browns. I bet he could get them to 6-10.

  20. Seriously Fox, there is not one other game you could switch to right now instead of Vikes/Gints?

  21. Tavaris Jackson has to be dying to get in this game. It would be huge for his career highlight reel.

  22. Why did the Giants even bother to get on the plane to Minneapolis?

  23. What is Naufahu Tahi and why does it appear in the Vikes/Jints boxscore?

  24. Pat White just got fucking destroyed.

  25. Favre threw 30+ TD for the 9th time in his career. That's amazing.

  26. If New England holds on, that means the Bengals are locked into the #4 spot and have absolutely nothing to play for. Just another data point to set the stage for a massive loss tonight in a frigid Giants Stadium.

    Right now, weather in my town (15 miles from the stadium) is 20, with a wind chill of 6. Hopefully it will get warmer between 4 PM and 8 PM.

  27. pittsburgh is in the middle of an epic meltdown

  28. Not when Tyler Thigpen's involved they're not, rob.

  29. In case you're counting that's two redzone ints (the first coming with Miami only down 3) in the the final 6 minutes of the game.

    Ladies and gentleman, Tyler Thigpen!

  30. Flurries in midtown. I escaped from the office with an "out of pocket from 5:30 pm until tomorrow morning" email. Is it a bad idea to wear an orange fleece and a black jacket to tonight's game?

  31. I doubt anybody saw this (unless you get Sunshine Network or Fox SportsNet) but Chandler Parsons just hit a 3/4 court shot to lift Florida over NC State.

  32. I'll quote Z-man as it pertains to the Washington Redskins:

    "They know that the draft order is inversely related to final record, right?"

  33. Boys, it is cold in south beach. Temp didn't get above 60 today. I had to buy a wool coat (on sale) from Benetton. And there are a million Iowa fans here.

  34. boys, check your email. gift from tr.

    and shlara, i'm ignoring you.

  35. The Broncos are a sackless bunch. And that has nothing to do with their pash rush.

  36. Shlara...I live about 2.5 hours north of South Beach. And you're right, it's frickin freezing down here. 58 degrees right now with lows in the 30s tonight. Weatherman says this will last all week. To which I say, that's some bullshit right there.

  37. Here's a youtube clip of Chandler Parsons' game winner:

    Fuck...and yeah.

  38. Wouldn't be surprised if Cincy throws the game tonight. I'm sure they'd rather fact the Jets than Texans next week.

  39. The Knicks are beating the Pacers at halftime....74-42.

  40. Set the C-4 TR and Z-Man...and get the hell out of there before you freeze to death.

  41. where is steve czaban? he's not my favorite, but i LOVE him compared to steven a smith. any of you va boys know the dillio on that? he's been out forEVER.

  42. Sadly Dan, he is officially replaced by Mr. CHEEZ DOODLE...I think rob mentioned that weeks ago in the comments, but I might be wrong.

  43. yeah, czabe was shitcanned in favor of stephen a. inexplicable.

  44. holy shitballs, are you serious?
    nice decision making there. really, really nice.

  45. Christ, it's cold outside...

  46. it's 58 degrees here. inside my office. fuck me.

  47. If you want to annoy the Pats fans in your life, point out that they went 11-5 last year with Cassel and 10-6 this year with Brady, so they should have kept Cassel and traded Brady because Cassel is more of a winnner AND they would have received much more in return for Brady. It's fun.
