Friday, January 01, 2010

Oakley appears on "Z-Man and the Teej"

Charles Oakley recently sat down and did an interview with the Teej and Tah-Tah-Tootie for our "Z-Man and the Teej" show. The Teej is the white guy in the golf cart. Tah-Tah-Tootie is the man behind the mic. Enjoy.


  1. one of my new year's resolutions is to generate more traffic on my blog.

    i will not reveal my other resolution, other than to say that it is very specific, and (predictably) the only way you can read it is to visit "sentence of dave."

  2. philly at boston, so let's sing the canadian national anthem. got it.

  3. Finally got around to reading Whit's day 12 post. Good stuff all the way thru. On that note, i'd like to thank all the G:TB guys for welcoming somebody who is essentially a friend of a friend into your little corner of the world. That alone would be enough, but the fact that you let me contribute AND put up with my general dickishness makes me truly grateful. You guys are the cat's pajamas.

    /back to my normal routine of sarcasm and insults...seriously though, love you guys...

  4. nice comeback for pat fitzgerald's boys. anyone watching that one?

  5. Just saw that, Rob. I had given up on that game. This is shaping up to be a better New Years Day slate of games than any in recent memory.

  6. Where's the Wintah Clahssik? ESPN?

  7. Yes, thanks. People who rely on their bicycle as their primary mode of transportation from, say, Philly to Boston, in a snowstorm, seriously annoy me.

  8. dan carcillo's mustache has nothing on dave's

  9. Note to self: mrs the teej not a huge fan of the teej showing up at 7am to the room on new years day.

    And seriously auburn, I need you to win by 10. Something has to make up for that craps debacle I perpetated last night.

  10. You mean I could have bet on outdoor hockey on jan 1? Damn you and your limited brain capacity teej...

  11. How many times can I listen to "I got a feeling" by bep this week?

  12. Oh man, I've been perpetating all day.

    Special thanks to The Teej for giving me my heartiest laugh of the new year when I read his comment about his late return to the room. I have no idea if the scene when he got back to his wife was funny but it sure as fuck was in my head.

  13. It wasn't funny to her...

    But, you know, I am the Teej after all....

  14. This outback bowl is fucking bananas.

  15. sweet conversion for northwestern

  16. Gotta love a little new years trickeration.

  17. The field at the Citrus Bowl is among the worst in recorded human history.

  18. The field at the Citrus Bowl is among the worst in recorded human history.

  19. Carcillo's alleged "mustache" is actually a dead caterpillar glued to his upper lip.

    And now I'm off to the MoMA with Mrs. Z-Man (Z-Woman?). Wish me luck.

  20. But before I go ... why does anyone need a projector phone?

  21. The field at the Citrus Bowl is among the worst in recorded human history.

  22. Nice work by my iPhone and I.

    The Outback Bowl is never going to end.

  23. teej - i hope it wasn't the 6's & 9's that gotcha.
    i fortunately made no bets as of yet today

  24. The Deuce is running 30 for 30s all afternoon. I highly recommend you tivo the ones you haven't seen. I've still not seen the Ali and Jimmy the Greek episodes. The Bias doc was excellent. The director had great access to the parties involved.

  25. The Philly-Boston match is highly entertaining through 2 periods. Less enjoyable is my son's diaper rash -> yeast infection which makes it look like he has 3rd degree burns. The possibility of a trip to an ER is making me hold off on drinking the beers in the fridge. And I swear those beers are mocking me. Being a responsible adult is a pain in the ass sometimes.

  26. just heard part of mike leach's interview with rece davis from last night. leach sure isn't taking the high road - he hammered adam james for being lazy and entitled and claimed that craig james required more attention 'than all the other parents combined'.

  27. Ellen Page - hot or not?

    I'm leaning toward not.

  28. Does Bowden get carried off if they win? Does he get carried off either way?

  29. This LSU/Penn St game is ugly/atrocious/out of synonyms for suck

  30. nothing better than overtime outdoor hockey

  31. Hey West By God, you might want to cover my man crush Robbie Hummel...

  32. that was an awesome overtime period

  33. Fuck you Les Miles
    Fuuuuuuck you

  34. jimmy the greek 30 is pretty good, and also kind of depressing. what a fall.
    on the responsible parent topic, have been out in the driveway for the last hour+ pushin kids around on bikes and letting them get all up in my car 'n shit...i'm anxious now. wired. shaking from the need of my 1st booorbin 'n ginga. please honey don't make me give him a bath.
    who's ellen page?

  35. how's the teej feeling right now?

  36. that bath comment sounded like a dick dad comment. please don't think that about me. thanks.

  37. does the teej have action on the rose bowl?

  38. was about to ask the same question...and mark, what r ur thoughts on your gators and the 13 pts they're giving?

  39. The Teej is feelin' yes than fact he just let mrs the teej bet ohio state to win this rose bowl.

  40. money line? mrs the teej is gonna lose that bet.

  41. seriously...whose ellen page?

  42. The teej is breakin' all the rules and bettin 20 bucks on the messiah tim tebow to win one for the urban...

  43. Dan, she was the pregnant chick in juno...

    And yes rob, mrs the teej also bet zona the other night. But she did win a lot at blackjack last night apparently, offsetting my wayward craps action, so she can bet whatever the hell she wants in this rose bowl.

    The teej needs a drink...

  44. I have no idea what Florida's going to do tonight. It's either gonna be really, really good, or embarassingly bad. Either way, I would take those 13 points all damn day if I were betting on the Sugar.

    As for the Rose...yeah, Oregon's smoking the Ohio State.

  45. And dan, before whit gets ya, it's "who is" ellen page...

  46. it's the apostrophe thing again...sorry rob.

  47. This fat tire beer is quite good...

  48. Musberger...jesus dude...settle down on the sap...

  49. What's the line on TR watching this game/rash bath time?

  50. You know why they took the ball out of his hands Kirk?*

    Cause sweater vest is an inflexible pussy.

    *you thought I was gonna mock pryor didn't you?

  51. Its recently been reported that Janoris Jenkins will not be playing for Florida tonight. I'm extremely annoyed by this development.

  52. should've mocked Pryor. He's awful.

  53. Whit, I just placed your asinine bet on the Mets.

  54. it appears that oregon has forgotten how to football

  55. Mrs the teej might just know what she's talking 'bout...just sayin'

  56. Jeezus Oregon, get your shit together. I hate Ohio State.

  57. hope you boys and girls had your collards and black eyed's today....ours are'a cookin!

  58. So, if Gilbert gets convicted for this gun thing, its a felony. And the Wizards could probably void his contract.

    If I had to guess, I think David Stern and the DC police are going to wrap this up before the Wiz game vs. the Spurs tomorrow night.

    At the very least, Gil's suspension/expulsion will begin before the Cavs game on Jan 6th. No need to have Gil and Shaq in the same building...

  59. So is Gil doc holliday, or johnny bravo?

  60. Cmon Shlara - Gil, Shaq and loaded guns all under the same roof? Does it get any better? I'm gonna grab some Grand Marnier and courtside seats and enjoy the show.

    and that was a helluva touchdown.

  61. So...the momentum in this thing has certainly shifted. At this rate Oregon is gonna win by three TDs.

  62. Teej--dont say such things so early please. come on now, ur a professional

  63. I too thought it took about 30 seconds tho...per usual.

  64. No offense, cause I'm a terrible gambler, but betting on FSU and Bowden to win today seemed so damn easy.

  65. Boo Herron? What about Boo Radley, Kirk?

  66. This Barner kid...didn't know about him at all...I'm impressed. Very Noel Devine-esque.

  67. this game has nailbiter written all over it

  68. Hey ABC, you know what we don't need? Another show about yuppie lawyers equipped with one liners for ever occassion.

  69. Teej, seconded, but it is nice to see Billy Zane working again.

  70. Tiny, this indeed is quite a game...

  71. Did anyone actually watch the Oakley video? The guy riding shotgun in Oak's golf cart really is the Teej, if the Teej makes one more trip to the Indiana state fair and eats 11 pounds of fried foods on sticks.

  72. this game is giving me chest pains. but that chubby osu man-cheerleader makes me giggle every time they show him.

  73. And Manhattan is, predictably, awash with tourists. Most of them are European, with their silk suits and their olive oil hair, and their fancy Euros too. And their fancy digital cameras. If you're standing in front of "Starry Night," look at the damned thing with your eyes, not through the video screen on your shitty little digital camera. Why even bother to take a photo? Just go online for a perfect digital image. If you're there live in its presence, look at it an appreciate it! And stop fucking bumping into me while you're looking at the video screen on your camera, with your Eurotrash lack of respect for personal space and personal grooming.

  74. that's a quality rant right there

  75. tribe/hofstra tip off at 4:00 tomorrow on the island. just a reminder.

  76. Is a G:TB contingent really headed to Strong Island?

  77. Bad museum etiquette bums me out, almost as much as bad subway etiquette (which is DC's fatal flaw, as far as I'm concerned). Many of the Europeans were French, which cuts the right way. If an unshowered foreigner is going to keep bumping into me, it should be a pretty French woman.

  78. i'm still hungover from last night, so i think i'll miss the trip. kq is pretty fired up to be on the bandwagon, though. i'd expect to see her there.

  79. The person responsible for selecting the font for the numbers on Oregon's uniforms should lose his or her job.

  80. I will likely make the trip to Hempstead to see the Tribe cagers. Fellow G:TB auxiliary member Sammy P may be in attendance as well.

  81. nice, timmy. shoot us a game report and we'll slap it up.

    how the hell was that completed?

  82. I understand the ellen page about 30 min behind on game --tivod so I could sit down and eat my collards

  83. right now this game SUCKS.

  84. Mrs the teej would like you all to suck it...

  85. continuing headlong into sure-to-be erroneous prognostication, i see no way cincinnati keeps this within 3 touchdowns.

  86. Did Brian Bilick just name check himself as Cincy coach?

  87. unless the bearcats come out in white helmets. then, all bets are off.

  88. That's wrong TJ.

    I'm waaaay more nervous for this game than I have any right to be.

  89. Really? I have to listen to Brian Billick all night?

  90. WKRP in Cincinatti was a fantastic and underrated program.

  91. Was just listening Urban Meyer's pregame interview. He said Maurkice Pouncey "had a kidney stone issue" this morning but he's good to go. First, that sounds terrible. Second, I think Urban and I have different takes on the phrase "good to go".

  92. Nice of Dennis Haysbert to include Major League in in his intro.

    I say fuck you Jobu.

  93. mrs the teej just told me to suck it via my facebook wall. ahl ensued.

  94. I'd never thought of taunting you on your facebook page, Rob. Somebody thank Mrs. the Teej for me.

  95. As God as my witness, I thought turkeys could fly.

  96. enjoy your little consolation game, mark

  97. Barrett-Jackson on the Speed network! So much better than college football.

  98. two obvious f-bombs already for quinn. can't take a quinn anywhere.

  99. that's a dirty fucking play by daniels

  100. yeah, the draw with tony pike ain't gonna work

  101. cincy seem to be a bunch of punks. they're making me root for florida.

  102. Little Baby Jesus' passage of the night:

    8For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this not from yourselves, it is the gift of God— 9not by works, so that no one can boast. 10For we are God's workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.

  103. did billick just say 'how long and deep he rides him in'? ewww.

  104. The Hip Hop Awards are going down on BET. Looks like a lot of bastards will be made later tonight.

    The guy who wears a lot of jewelry is on the mic now. The song is horrendous, despite the pyro in the background.

  105. Rob...I'm enjoying this consolation game quite a bit. Thanks.

    And I too think Cincy's coming off like punks. I understand having a chip on your shoulder but their antics are tiresome. Maybe just concentrate on not getting run of the stadium...yeah, too late.

  106. Or run out of the stadium.

    I'm also going to be honest here and say I'm rooting for Tebow to throw for 500 yards tonight.

  107. Who's the $ on today? The fighting McClusters?

  108. Houston Nutt's players look absolutely embarrassed by the his televised pep-talk.

  109. You are excluded from surf and turf night, you are excluded from ravioli night, you are excluded from chicken cutlet night.

  110. I am looking for some creative hatred from the Wildcat fans in Lexington today. I hope to see Pitino's smug face turn as red as his team's unis.

    He's got to be dreading this. I'm not sure if any fans are going to be as mean as these folks.

  111. At Wayne Chrebet's bar across the street from Hofstra. All Unit M'ers have bailed, but there is a large contingent of Unit C folks.

  112. Gilbert Arenas is an idiot:

  113. Jevan Sneed is a nightmare. they should put the true freshman back in.

  114. Lville-Kentucky got scrappy in a hurry. And Kellogg just informed me that Wall is dangerous in transition. Thanks, Clark.

  115. Decent crowd here in guido town.

  116. 9-0 run for hofstra to start the game

  117. Tribe come out really flat and has nothing go down early.

  118. tell us something different, timmy

  119. Tribe down 10-7.

    Hofstra cheerleaders are beefy.

  120. louisville has 5 points in 13 minutes? guh.

  121. this uk/ville game is almost unwatchable

  122. john wall is pretty watchable, though

  123. Hofstra up 18-11. 7:39 left in the first. Tribe defense has looked terrible giving up open looks all over the court. Offense has moved the ball well, but nothing has gone down.

  124. OK State seems to have figured out the Ole Miss running scheme. Ole Miss is too one dimensional with turnover machine Snead as the signal caller. Hard to see them winning this.

    And it's as if Pat Summerall just met Moose Johnson 5 minutes before the game

  125. looks like quite an offensive exhibition taking place on long island.

  126. Tribe down 2 at the half. Really sloppy on both ends of the floor. If the the pride had shot the ball well the we would have been in trouble.

    They have been slow to shift on defense and have had the worst shooting performance all year and are only down two. Tribe is clearly the better team, they just need to prove it in the second half.

  127. the cotton bowl is even less watchable than the hoops game. sweet jesus.

  128. The flow of the cotton bowl has been really curious. Almost every drive has been in the 5-6 play range. Each offense has started several drives with 20-30 yard plays (or two) and then either has thrown a pick, given up a fumble, or lost a ton of yardage to put them out of scoring position.

    And I think Summerall keeps talking about Cowboys stadium to assure us that he knows where he is.

  129. and McCluster wears the biggest mouthpiece I've ever seen. It's looks like he's blowing up a balloon.

  130. what the hell is going on in dallas?

  131. Tied at 43. 5 min left. Both teams in the bonus. This is going to be a foul shooting contest.

  132. Patrick Patterson just missed a fastbreak dunk worse than any 6'9" guy has any right to. He barely got the ball even with the rim, much less above it.

  133. A free throw shooting contest should favor the smart white guys, right?

  134. There is some home cookin going on on LI tonight.

  135. You would hope mark, you would hope.

  136. Down 2, 25 seconds left with the ball.

  137. Three point play. Up one. 16.9.

  138. timmy, who converted the three-point play?

  139. ESPN says the Wrens won by one.

  140. and ESPN says Kendrix Brown converted the 3-point play.

  141. according to the espn gamecast, they did. and that's a fanfuckingtastic victory. on the road, textbook letdown game after the big win at maryland, didn't shoot well, played a far different tempo than most of their early games.

  142. So W&M is 10-2, 2-0 in the CAA, with wins over Va Tech and Maryland? Really?

  143. um, z-man, you new around here?

  144. though it's wake forest, not va tech. richmond and vcu, too.

  145. ALCOA Fantastic Finish on LI. Kendrick Brown converts a three point play with 16 seconds left. The final score was the Tribe's only lead of the game.

    Tribe bellied up with solid defense forcing a bad three with about 3 seconds left. Looked like we fouled the in the rebound, but there was no call.

    Great win in a trap game. They should have lost the way they played. This is a game they have always lost. Maybe there is something special going on.

  146. Sitting on my couch in Arlington, VA watching this shit Arkansas/East Carolina game...I need to be back in Vegas now.

  147. At least you have one more day to lay about before reality fully sets back in. And at least you aren't in Shreveport...

  148. Based on the shot of the both, they playing this Liberty Bowl on Hoth?

  149. I'm just trying to put it all in perspective.

  150. we're way beyond that point, z-man. there's a 50-50 chance we crack the top 25 this week. not joking. we're not one of the 25 best teams in the country, but our resume says we are. we need to guard against letting expectations run amok, but perspective, she's long gone.

  151. "Perspective" may be a poor choice of words. I meant that we're 12 games into the schedule and the Wrens are on top of the CAA standings with two road victories against ACC schools, and only two losses, one of which came at the hands of perennial powerhouse UConn. This is like the Bizzaro Seinfeld episode.

  152. Today's bowl games are showcasing some really craptastic quarterbacking.

  153. gotcha, z. i'm basically saying the same thing. completely bizarro.

  154. I'm setting the over/under on "Number of G:TB writers assaulted before/during/after the last game at Giants Stadium" at 1.5. Using the common law definition of assault, of course.

  155. tribe's current 10-game winning streak is the longest in school history, tying the mark set by the 1939-40 squad.

  156. In case you need to verify that factoid:

  157. second half of the seton hall/va tech game has been absurd.

  158. andy katz wrote an entire column on the tribe:

  159. and it was 1929-30 when the tribe won 10 straight. in any case, it was a long fucking time ago.

  160. From Katz:

    "William & Mary has as good a résumé as any school in a non-power six conference heading into a conference season as any team in the country. As long as the Tribe, which now have to be considered a CAA favorite, finish in the top two in the league they should get an at-large bid."

  161. I was just looking for an excuse to post a link to a searchable Flat Hat database.

  162. I read the Katz piece. Insane. He said the wins over Wake and Maryland were the 3rd and 4th wins EVER by a CAA school on the road at an ACC school. Insane. Up is down. Black is white. Probably the wrong episode...

  163. This comment has been removed by the author.
