Tuesday, November 03, 2009

Rock the Vote

A heretofore unpublished photo of Creigh Deeds to get you started on this election morning. Looking forward to a day full of people screaming about the Very Important Trends today's off-cycle elections portend. Here in the Commonwealth, the lesson is quite obvious: if the Democrats nominate a slew of incoherent, shlubby mumblemouths, they're in deep trouble in 2010.

Elsewhere, we'll be watching the crooked machine politician take on the crooked former Federal official in the New Jersey gubernatorial race and covering our eyes when the whackadoodle right-wingers declare victory in New York's 23rd Congressional district. And hoping that gay folk in Maine get to marry one another. Seems only fair.


  1. If a gay person gets married in Maine, does it make a sound?

    Creigh Deeds has taken the Warner/Kaine years in Virginia and followed them up with . . . what, exactly? I guess he figured he could ride on coattails while on a campaign "about nothing." There's a different vibe in the Commonwealth these days, and he needed to muster up some semblance of a platform beyond "Bob McDonnell is a sexist."

    So long as McDonnell doesn't go all Gilmore on us, I'm willing to wait and see what he can do for Virginians.

  2. smart candidates will carefully study the deeds campaign. and then, after they've recovered from the laughter-induced abdominal pain, choose to do everything exactly opposite.

    i just hope my daughters are still allowed to go to public school and my wife is legally permitted to drive after mcdonnell (and, as importantly, cuccinelli) are done with us. huzzah, one-term governors.

  3. At least you're not in NJ. The billionaire incumbent with a poor record and a slew of corrupt politicians in his municipalities has been reduced to making fat jokes about his rival. The rival, on the other hand, has absolutely nothing to say about his campaign.

    The only candidate with anything insightful to say is the independent who has no shot. However, it may be worth throwing votes to him as a referendum that the other two candidates suck donkey balls and the two-party system in general needs to be a thing of the past. No matter who's at the helm, the good ship New Jersey is a bloated, rudderless disaster.

    Where my Whigs at?

  4. I have been described as a bloated, rudderless disaster as recently as Sunday night.

  5. Who knew Deeds and Mark looked so much alike. Go Cardinals!

  6. deeds' nuts.
    sorry. couldn't resist.
    what's corey booker doing these days?

  7. Sharper has 7 picks (and 3 TD) through 7 games. What's the single-season record?

  8. 14 by Dick (Night Train) Lane.

  9. A couple of notes on that stat:
    - That was in 1952, in a 12 game regular season.
    - It was his rookie year.
    - He acquired the nickname "Night Train" from a hit record by Buddy Morrow, frequently played by teammate Tom Fears
    - And my favorite nugget on this: "...the 24-year-old Lane showed up at the Los Angeles Rams training camp looking for a job because he disliked his current occupation at an aircraft factory."

  10. So, is Sharper a Hall of Famer?

  11. Also, Lane was a heroin addict for most of his career. That's how he really got the nickname. Axl Rose and GnR wrote Night Train for him.

    Another little knowwn fact: GnR wrote Rocket Queen for all of Calvin Murphy's wives and baby moms.

  12. No way Sharper is a HoFer. He got too little respect for the first decade of his career, but has gotten too much press this year. His numbers are bloated b/c the Saints are always running up the score and other teams feel compelled to force passes.

    But he has had a tremendous career, despite being perpetually posterized by Randy Moss in the late 90's.

  13. Maybe. #9 all-time in picks, #2 all-time in INT return yardage, #2 in career INT for TD (or "pick 6" as the kids say now), 4 Pro Bowls, one All-Pro.


  14. I smell a grass roots camplaign.....

  15. i think sharper is, in fact, a hall of famer. especially if he has one or two more high-profile, high-impact seasons like this one.

  16. The extra "L" is free of charge...

  17. That campaign was double-bagged. I have no idea how you can smell that.

  18. 2 more picks and he ties Ronnie Lott on the all-time list...that sounds Hall of Famey.

  19. One more INT for a TD and he ties Rod Woodson for #1 all-time.

  20. He's ten from Woodson, who I had to listen drone on and on about god in Canton a few months ago...but Woodson has all the kick/punt return stuff as well.

  21. To clarify, he's ten from Woodson on the overall INT career list.

  22. Tribe footballers from my era are convinced he's in. I was a naysayer until this season. He's certainly close.

    I give him the thumbs up. Which, given the unintentional hex I am putting on sports teams and players everywhere lately, means he will never get in.

  23. He has more INT return yardage than Deion. That has to count for something.

  24. You guys are making the Don Sutton case for Sharper - lots of decent years mean lifetime stats pile up. He's gonna need more than 5 Pro Bowl appearances. That's a much more indicative stat of relative greatness than INTs. And it's brutally difficult for secondary guys to get in the HoF.

    Lott and Woodson were unbelievably dominant forces for over a decade. Sharper is not anywhere close to that. He's a smart dude whose body has held up remarkably well, but he's not bound for Canton.

  25. I voted against dirty hippies today.

    Sharper had a nice stat-padding interception at the end of the game last night. The falcons also had a great cover with that field goal.

  26. I voted for lower taxes, business friendly economic policies and backwards social policies that embarrass me...pretty standard.

  27. i voted for freedom from government intervention in my sex life and recreational habits. also, for aimless bumbling and no clear direction in any major policy area.

  28. Which of your sex acts was the government interfering with again?

  29. wouldn't you and bob mcdonnell like to know, jerry? nice try.

  30. See, Rob has shown that there's another NAMBLA member on this forum.

  31. The next ghoogles post might prove interesting.

  32. I might want to know...if it's something cool. But maybe not if it's something weird. I'd probably need a hint first.

  33. And, if anyone cares, z-pak actually has a new (and highly entertaining) post up.

  34. I voted to legalize it. Wait, that wasn't on the ballot?

    Should've waited to smoke until after I voted...

  35. Crazy ass Mike Leach is on TV right now. Always a good time.
