Tuesday, November 03, 2009

Who's afraid of Virginia Foxx? Her constituents, hopefully.

Rep. Virginia Foxx (R-N.C.) is not very Gheorghe. According to Rep. Foxx:

"Everywhere I go in my district, people tell me they are frightened. … I share that fear, and I believe they should be fearful. And I believe the greatest fear that we all should have to our freedom comes from this room — this very room — and what may happen later this week in terms of a tax increase bill masquerading as a health care bill. I believe we have more to fear from the potential of that bill passing than we do from any terrorist right now in any country."

Let's file this one under "batshit craziness."


  1. mark will be happy to know that michael floyd is back in the lineup. now his chances of winning our high-stakes/low-acumen college fantasy football league have significantly increased.

  2. Too bad he's on somebody's roster...

  3. Yep...I dropped him when he went out "for the year". Then they said a couple weeks later he might be back before season's end. I didn't pick him back up b/c I needed somebody who could give me points in the present day. My team is falling apart faster than the Mets in September.

  4. Am I allowed to play without a TE and K this week?

  5. Fuck you for picking up Floyd, by the way.

  6. That took longer than I expected...

  7. ...I'll trade him back to you. We can trade in this dumbass league, right?

    And do we all make the playoffs?

  8. I assume nothing when it comes to CBSportsline.com

  9. sure seems like the browns are lucky the nfl media only has an attention span for two flagrantly dysfunctional shitshows at a time. 'cause what's going on in cleveland might make the cable/davis and snyder/cerrato organizations look like marvels of efficiency and integrity.

  10. Add the Bucs to that list as it came out recently that the Bucs have had a grand total of 2.5 hours of practice in the last 12 days.

    Now, I know they were on a bye last week but shouldn't a winless team full of young guys trying to find their way in the league be conducting 2.5 hour practices as opposed to, you know, a grand total of 2.5 hours worth of practice in nearly two weeks?

  11. this college fb ffl sounds very intriguing, but i don't get the sense any of you are jones'n to do it next year...what's the dillio there? is it 100% college or a combo? talk to me goose!

  12. Supposedly a bunch of the Bucs had the flu from the flight back. 8 hours in a metal tube could make that happen.

  13. Whiney bitches:

    1) Robert Griffin
    2) Kendall Hunter
    3) LaGarrette Blount

    Top 3 picks played 2 combined games for me. 7-1. First place. Most points. Boo-yah.

  14. Josh Freeman was also off and allowed to travel back to Kansas last Wednesday. I'm all for giving guys some time to themselves but how about "persuading" your rookie QB who's about to make his first ever NFL start to stay in town, watch film and prepare?

    Just a thought. Honestly though, all I REALLY care about now is whether they're able to grab Ndamukong Suh or Eric Berry in the draft.

  15. Pretty sure we picked teams after Blount had been suspended. Nobody's fault but your own, pal.

    The league is pretty fun, just very different and CBSportsline kind of sucks. I'd definitely play again though.

  16. My team was doing well until I actually started managing it. I read somewhere on Gheorge that my team was good - that suckered me in.

  17. I've had the distinct pleasure of spending some time with the alluring distinguished gentlelady from North Carolina, Ms. Foxx on numerous occasions. She's an odd combination of Barbara Bush's sense of style and femininity, Sarah Palin's intellect, sledgehammer folksiness and base-pandering and Glenn Beck's measured approach to partisan politics and yokel manipulation. Salt of the earth...

  18. Buckhantz is just unbearable.

  19. He's perilously close to not announcing any of Cleveland's baskets -- half-swallowing his words every time.

    And completely Jerry Ross style appalled that the fans would cheer a hard foul on DeShawn Stevenson.

  20. I just watched a VA election focus group with Frank Luntz. My conclusion: universal suffrage is overrated.

    Christie is up 7 points with half the votes counted per folks in NJ.

  21. Ryan Anderson has a terrible goatee. I like him a lot thouht.

    Vince, on the other hand, has his shoe off on the bench. UgjH

  22. That's not to imply Anderson is playing well tonight though.

    Because he is not. 1-10 from 3.

  23. You know, I didn't thoroughly consider it when the trade was made, but Anderson is a perfect fit for Orlando. He's a 6'10" guy who shoots 3's. The Magic love 6'10" guys who shoot 3's.

    I think he's one of those non-flashy guys who's going to be a solid player for a long time.

  24. Yeah, he was terrible tonight but the entire team was terrible tonight.

    He's a great fit for their system and he's a pretty well rounded player beyond his one defining skill.

  25. Anybody watching the Rangers-Canucks game?

    I've also got Utah-Dallas. Rooting against the Mavs all year because the Nets have their unprotected 2010. (And that's not Greg's new sex move that will be outlawed in Virginia under the new administration).

  26. Brandon Jennings actually looks kind of decent. Really quick. Made some jumpers tonight. Knicks fans are getting pissed that they passed on him.

  27. Chris Christie is the Governor Elect in NJ. I'm legitimately shocked. I would not call him a strong candidate.

  28. Good night for my home states.

  29. For those scoring at home, with 30 percent in Hoffman (R) trails Owens (D) by 1200 votes in the NY23 congressional. No word on Robks ballot initiative in Maine where people are going to the polls to validate Rob's bedroom activity.

  30. North Carolina still has a D in the Gov's Mansion, so the weird stuff might have to be saved for OBFT.

  31. Really, ABC7?

    It's 11:09 pm and a big election night and the second story of the newscast is "fans writing letters to Dan Snyder to let them know they are mad"

    Is this not a major media market? I mean, really?

    Reminds me of when WAVY TV-10 does the community calendar feature with upcoming bake sales, scout meetings, etc.

    Except this is the NATIONS CAPITAL, not the Tidewater.

  32. Yet another reason why I can't take DC seriously.

  33. Wait, you watch the local news?

  34. for the weather.
    I get all my real news from GTB

  35. Shlara, if you bad-mouth "the Tidewater" one more time, I'm coming north just to turn you over my knee and paddle your behind but good. And NOT in the way you like it. Watch what you say, missy.

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