Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Science for Dummies

We were the first on the scene back in July when the Large Hadron Collider threatened our very way of life (and you can thank us for saving the planet - when the truth comes out there'll be a whole bunch of embarrassed Swiss dudes and half of a cow costume). The LHC had a rough couple of months, fizzling and fluttering like an Eli Manning deep out upon its' initial test firing, but as the clip below shows, the good people (read: evil, scheming, would-be world dominators) at CERN have a sense of humor about it.

Gheorghe: The Blog, keeping you safe from instantaneous implosion for more than 6 months.


  1. Rob, the Apostrophe Police would like to have a word with you. Sorry.

  2. Yeah Rob. Your in big trouble.

  3. my b'ad. i spent a lot of brain cells on embedding the youtube. wont' happen again. rapping scientists, though. sick.

  4. Dropping science like Galileo dropped the orange. Actually, doesn't this clip remind you of the video for "Intergalactic"?

  5. hey, whit. apostrophe police called - they need to see you over in the wheelhouse comments. something about glass houses.

  6. I bet this is what it's like to go to MIT.

    Is Le'Ron McClain on the Apostrophe Police Squad?

  7. Yes. And D'Brickashaw Ferguson is their Rush Chair.

  8. D'Qwell Jackson is Pledge Marshall.

  9. I know a guy who volunteered at a local hospital. Someone came in and he asked her how to pronounce her name, which was spelled La-ia. She replied "Ladashia." You pronounce the dash.

    So is D'Qwell pronounced Dapostrophequell?

  10. I play rugby with a guy named J'son. It's pronounced "Jason". He's their social chair. Surprisingly, he's not "classy" or "historic".

  11. la-ia is my new favorite name. that's awesome.

  12. You pronounce the dash? That's gold, Jerry. Gold!

  13. anyone else think blake griffin seems like a bit of a dick?

  14. The Mackinaw peaches Jerry! The Mackinaw peaches!!

  15. TJ you best not leave out the one and only Tim Kilgore.....

  16. Yes, for those who remember that name, it seems the esteemed PenisGriffin ran into him the other night...

  17. Did PenisGriffin accidentally knee him in the head? Was he still smoking menthol cigarettes? Does he still talk like a Mississippi blues man?

  18. I thought Killgore was funny. No matter what I said to him, his response would be "Rabbazza gza zhub zhub, smokin' weed, rabbazza rabbazza heh heh HEH!"

  19. may need to revisit my choice of career:

    BreakingNewsOn The Washington Court of Appeals has ruled that teachers in the state can have sex with 18-year-old students.

  20. He said he was "going to Mount Rainier." Not sure if he meant the place or the prom queen.

  21. this is a pretty neat story from mid-majority by way of mgl:


  22. i wonder how much of the CERN budget was spent on that video-- it's painfully long for it's genre (educational science rap) and i did it first-- and better-- with "anna kournikova (you make my heart go supernova)" -- but i guess those people actually know their physics.

  23. Kilgore is still 4 ft. 7 and still loves the dive into the herb... not shocking at all is the fact he is a lawyer, i am a proud owner of his business card

  24. dave - you send me the url for the anna video and it'll go live on gtb at the first opportunity. even an mp3 would be acceptable now that whitney figured out the magic music machine.

  25. He cleans up well for the firm picture. . .


  26. I really hope that all of you have seen the latest youtube posted over EDSBS.

  27. Nice of Dave to throw the Apostrophe Police officers off Rob's scent with a misplaced mark of his own. A good friend covering his buddy's tracks.

  28. i believe there's still an outstanding warrant on you, sir. don't make mark make a citizen's arrest.

  29. scott pioli to the chiefs, and belichick left wondering, 'was it something i said'?

  30. 1. How in the world do you guys find these videos? Or, better, have the TIME to find these videos?

    2. Even though I don't often comment, I always read GTB every day becuase you guys make me laugh. My day is not complete wihtout a visit to GTB, Cake Wrecks and the Yahoo horoscopes. All three = pure comedy.

  31. if you're not watching memphis/tulsa, well, you've made a good decision.

    and shlara, knowing that we're making the world a better place, if only for one person, makes all the blood, sweat, and tears worth it.

  32. Speak for yourself Rob. Making the days easier for people I've never met does absolutely nothing for me. But being your friend on facebook, well, that's a different story.

  33. oh, that's a whole different thing altogether. the whole facebook phenomenon is still a bit surreal to me. it's no gtb.

  34. Furthermore, why are you crying and bleeding when you work on G:TB?

    TJ really needs to walk you through imbedding videos. I don't think you're doing it right.

  35. i'm definitely not doing it right. you kids and your 'technology' and 'tattoos'.

    is joey dorsey cashing an nba check?

  36. Yeah, he's sitting on Houston's bench.

  37. Oh yeah, don't forget our 'hip hop'...

  38. my favorite part of facebook so far is the picture of the shitload of jager bottles in your fridge.

  39. damn. memphis at the buzzer.

  40. Suck it Rob.

    - John Calipari

  41. It blows my mind that Rod Strickland is an assistant coach at Memphis--he wasn't exactly the role model type back in the Wiz days

  42. Holy Fucking Shit:

    Jodie Meeks had 54 points on Tennessee tonight. He shot 15-22 overall, 10-15 on 3s and 14-14 from the line.

    That is unfuckingbelievable.
