Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Morning WTF

To each his freaky, freaky own.

(h/t to Andrew Sullivan)


  1. sooo glad i chose memphis/tulsa over kentucky/tennessee. the ending was great, i suppose, but i missed jodie meeks' explosion. meeks scored as many points as tulsa. most points by one player in a college game in the last 20 years.

  2. Mark, your Magic sure like to take (and make) a lot of three pointers, eh?

  3. So Dave Meggett is really into this "sex by force" thing, huh?

    Maybe he and Ingram can share a prison cell.

  4. The Magic are the best story in the NBA that nobody's talking about. Jameer has made the leap (from inconsistent and average to very good), Dwight's leading the league in blocks and boards and they have deadly shooters all over the perimeter. And don't forget about Courtney Lee either, most underrated rookie in the league this year.

    I've tried to temper my enthusiasm about this team but its getting harder and harder with each passing game.

  5. The new MLB channel is baseball confection. Caught some hot stove updates (folks are a lot higher on Tim Redding than I am) and a chapter of Ken Burns' old documentary last night. Fantastic.

  6. It's just a shame Jameer wasn't very good in college...

  7. Jameer would be a lot quicker if he didn't have 10 lbs. of tattoo ink imbedded into his fat back and shoulder area...

  8. Yeah, thats why I've gotten slower too. Tattoos weigh a ton.

  9. nice work on the mason/w&m preview, teej.

  10. Whit--I got screamed at by my daughter for flipping between Ken Burns and ODU/GSU and missing key parts of American Idol.

  11. So Teej, you psyched for Cuse-Georgetown or what?

  12. i highly recommend the baylor/a&m game. these teams are getting after each other - physical as hell and intense on both ends.

  13. herve villchaize pouring out a 22-ouncer for his boss tonight.

  14. i may have misremembered that part.

  15. wow, he's been dead for 15 years. his spirit carries on, though.
