Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Season Tickets

As much as I would love to take some digs at Rob and his Red Sox, work is simply killing me this week. We head to San Francisco in less than two weeks for our Annual Conference, and apparently it's time to do all the work for the last 12 months in the next 2 weeks (all I can say about this upcoming conference is that Dr. Phil is a keynoter and the musical entertainment is Glenn Frey...exciting...). Genius planning if I may say so. By Friday perhaps I can assess the Yankees piss poor effort in Game 5, Seagal's new energy drink (Swint, I hope you're scouting retail locations), Vinny and the Jets, the revival of GTB's Weekly Wiz Watch (and subsequent playoff bet with Whit) and most importantly the impending Notre Dame upset of USC (that's right, I'm drinking the Weis kool aid - ND 35, USC 34).

By the way, I just got clocked in the face by a door. Great day all around.


  1. San Francisco is turning out to be a hot fall destination for the Johnson Group.

  2. Dr. Phil and Glen Frey...freaking top-notch acts, there. Nice to know your company goes all out to get the best. Why not throw in a little Smokey Robinson and Tony Danza? Better yet, go contemporary and get Donna Summer.

  3. Glenn Frey has gotten ink twice in two days from Johnson Group blogs. Gotta be a first.

    And take it from me, Gracie will show you a good time by the Bay. Or maybe it was Selene.

  4. If you drink enough in the presence of either one of us (or you get clocked hard enough on the head, by say, a door) you just might see both of us.

  5. But only if MJ and Gracie can fit me into their busy schedule...

  6. BONUS weekend for Gracie!! Now if only she could get tickets go a good Dr. Phil/Glen Frey show...

  7. I expect all songs off the Miami Vice soundtrack from Mr. Frey, a tape I wore down faster than Thriller back in the day.

  8. I used to love Michael Jackson when he looked like...a person. Remember that?

    I do have to admit that I have the "Best of the Eagles: Hell Freezes Over" CD. It's not a frequent listen, but it's in the rotation.

  9. michael jackson is more scary than a spider
