Thursday, October 13, 2005

I deal with the god damn customers...

A quick attempt before the day runs amok again...Mixed with all the real real work I have to do in the next 9 business days, I now have to rewrite my own PDQ (POSITION DESCRIPTION QUESTIONNAIRE for the acronym-challenged). I am finding this to be an interesting exercise, as I seem to be in position to define what my job is now and should be in the future, and what compensation I should receive should I reach the goals outlined in the PDQ (and by the way, this exercise reminded me that I have known Whitney for many years, and he has not yet been able to tell me what he actually does at work). It seems to me I can set the bar wherever I want, and just use vague, generic business terms in the descriptions, so that no matter what I do in the next 12 months I am golden. Here's an example...

Decisions: Identify internal and external venues for marketing Research products and services. Identify new product and client opportunities. Develop appropriate measures for monitoring advertising/marketing effectiveness.

"I have people skills; I am good at dealing with people. Can't you understand that? What the hell is wrong with you people?"

GTB's Hollywood Half-Minute...Sly Stallone is a go for Rocky 6 (Rocky meets Cocoon?), Wes Craven turned down Scream 4 (What, he's too busy with People Under the Stairs 2?), I have no clue who the new Bond guy is (Daniel Craig? Wasn't he the goalie on the 1980 US Olympic Hockey Team?) and last but not least, the Govnah of Caleeefornia is ready to do Terminator 4 and True Lies 2 (In between doing governor stuff I guess).

Afternoon Update: OK, so Glenn Frey and Dr. Phil appearing at our Annual Conference didn't really excite me (or any of my readers apparently), but today I realized there will be one speaker in San Fran who I might actually want to see. That man is Malcolm Gladwell, the writer for The New Yorker who penned The Tipping Point and Blink, two books I have heard very good things about. Hell, maybe I'll even go buy Blink (don't get ahead of yourselves, I said buy it, never said I would or could read it).

Oh yeah, I haven't mentioned this yet, but in regards to the Angels/White Sox "fiasco" last night, when the ball is anywhere near the dirt, the catcher should always just tag the runner to be safe (especially since Pierzynski didn't run right away). Josh Paul does that, and we're not talking about this for the next week.

I couldn't make this up if I tried...I think these people need to get out more...


  1. Wow, a Todd Day Lee Mayberry still around? Did Dwight Stewart ever sniff an NBA post game spread?

    The Pistons brought veteran sharpshooter Todd Day to camp as a favor to his agent -- Andy Miller, whose clientele includes Chauncey Billups and Antonio McDyess. "I hope to find a spot (on the team)," said Day, 35. "But if not, just try to prove to myself that I still belong in this league and hopefully somebody else is watching." Day played on five teams over seven NBA seasons, the last in 2001. He played briefly for Saunders in Minnesota. He was out of basketball for two years before playing in the ABA last season.

  2. I'm glad I can help Jets fans searching the web...

    herm edwards "you play to win the game"

  3. George Solomon's monthly check-in as ESPN Ombudsman is always a must read:

  4. Blink is a great read - and it's pretty big print, so should be perfect for you.

  5. I prefer the pop-up and coloring variety, but big print works too.

  6. Corn mazes are big in Indiana. I'm not making this up. I've also been to a maze built with hay bales that was completely covered. pretty spooky as a kid. can get lost and can't signal to anyone where you are. good times...except for a claustrophobe like myself who refused to even enter.

  7. Isn't corn called maize by our native forefathers? A maize maze? Come on.

  8. I will punch you square in the nutz...

  9. Excellent, Corso just took USC...though Bob Davie did pick the Irish.
