Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Hey, TeeJay

You and A-Rod had the same number of RBI in the ALDS. I think you should be MVP. Discuss.


  1. A-Rod, Matsui, Mussina...thanks alot fellas for your strong performance last night. Assholes...

  2. Rob, perhaps I read the TV listings wrong, but I don't see Big Papi leading the Red Sox into Anaheim tonight to start the ALCS...

  3. Maybe you missed him...he only plays half of each game, so it's easy to miss him.

  4. Jealousy doesn't become you, Geoff. It's the black shoes to your blue-suited personality.

    And, TJ, the non-sequitur is the last refuse of the feeble mind.

  5. I realize you've had a few days to digest your team being swept out of the playoffs, but I am still bitter and grumpy this morning after watching my team lose a very tough Game 5 last night. I'll be sure to yell at a lot of the Yankees and accuse them of fucking ruining the playoffs for me, it just might have to be tomorrow.

  6. And non sequitur is actually an enjoyable comic strip...

  7. Who am I jealous of? The Red Sox? David Ortiz's pencil thin beard? I'm not jealous, I'm just a hater...as the kids say.

  8. In hatred, jealousy. It's like, Latin, or something.

    Anyone else struggling with the word verification thingy this morning?

  9. i am wondering if a guy can wear a blue suit with a tie that is black and blue and if so - will he be allowed to wear black shoes then???

  10. also - no trouble with the word verification thing...could it be user error?

  11. I hate word verification. F- the crooked internet geeks that make me have to use it!

  12. it could definitely be user error. i'm not that bright.

  13. Well, the donkey Orioles fan in my office almost ruined my day, but then I found this:


    Greatest drink ever...

  14. "Lightning Bolt is an energy drink as unique as the man who created it..."

  15. "costanza Yankees blog"

    Yep, they've certainly come to the right place. Now, if you wanted "costanza SHIRTLESS", I'll need to direct you to the Wheelhouse...

  16. Selene--the real question is, what color is the suit? See, for example, today I'm wearing a gray pintriped suit with a light blue shirt and light blue, dark blue and a white tie. Since it's a gray suit, you have to wear black belt and shoes. The suit matches your belt and shoes--that is all.

    And, preemptively, your socks can match your shoes or your suit, so long as they match something.

  17. seriously, where can we find that drink?

  18. Fortunately for women - this season, blue (navy) is out. Now for me - I like to know the rules and I like to break them...except for that white after Labor Day thing.

    BTW - Geoff, I bet you look smashing today.

  19. Over here in the Federal Government, there are many rules that don't apply to outsiders. Rules like "you can't be fired for being inept," "just because you order something and pay for it doesn't mean you get it," and the glaringly obvious "black and brown definitely DO match if flanked by green, orange, teal, magenta, a T-shirt that says, "I Smoke Da Blunt and Do What I Want," sweatpants, a belt that's really chain links and a padlock, flip-flops, and a skin tone that reflects forty years of considering showering a "pastime."

    RE: the lightning drink, I saw Steven Seagal come onstage for a mid-song jam on electric guitar in the middle of an Allman Brothers set at JazzFest in the City Formerly Known As New Orleans. (This vision has been corroborated by sober friends since, so it must have happened.)

    And the ALDS should not detract from A-Rod's incredible year. Honestly, look at the numbers -- it's arguably the best season by a gay athlete since Aikman in '93.

  20. Are you saying Steven Segal has talent??? The Segal of the Under Siege fame?

    And TJ, the day you mentioned Above the Law, that movie was on AMC that night. Strange coincidence. I was a bit frightened and turned the channel quickly.


  21. That's because AMC is contractually required to play Above the Law once every 24 hours. I am dead serious.
