Thursday, August 18, 2005

Hot Mutton Action and a Million Lettuce & Tomatoes

In case you haven't visited Michael Jack over at Hot Action (linked at right), he's got some big news -- a veritable watershed moment coming up for this corner of the blogosphere. There was some debate as to exactly how many cases of wine it took to convince Selene to make a pitstop in Swintville, but the consensus was somewhere between "truckload" and "vineyard." This should be an exciting summit, and Hot Action lives up to its name once more. I look forward to the chance for The Johnson Group to "Convene with Selene."

As for what to do, there's always the extremely uplifting combo of Holocaust Museum & Vietnam Wall. Good times.

I know TJ's disappointed -- he's more of a Gracie fan, but it's still big news.


  1. My 3000-mile-away game is stong to quite strong.

  2. It was a vinyard. I have been drunk for weeks.

  3. Also...along with the Holocust Museum and the Vietnam Wall, I'd like to spend a few hours at Arlington National Cemetery, just for kicks.

  4. don't sleep on the cemetery. great views. lots of places to picnic.

  5. And don't sleep on chemical weapons.


    Johnny "Cakes" Auville.

  6. Lumbergh is crushing me...

  7. Milton Bradley/Jeff Kent, AL and NL wild card races, grumpy Frank Robinson, that TV show Wanted (starring Lumbergh)...I mean, if people would stay out of my cube at work, I've got some things to contribute damn it...
