Wednesday, August 24, 2005

GTwiB Notes

I can't call them Poopy anymore eh? The Kansas City Royals showed me...and though the A's should be downright embarrassed losing to the Royals, props to those guys for coming out and fighting like it was the playoffs. The streak ended at 19 straight losses, and was promptly followed by 2 wins over a supposed playoff contender. Right now, the A's look like the hoops team that just came from 30 down to tie the score in the final minutes, only to be exhausted and end up losing by 8. They're outta gas (something the FMD probably wishes I was out of...OH). All flatulence aside, GTB apparently has the ability to mock the Royals into wins, and jinx the Nats into more terrible losses (and in case you haven't noticed, Frank Robinson is getting VERY grumpy). Whitney is looking for the ultimate double dip: a Mets playoff appearance and a case of PBR.

Man, I never saw this coming - Jeff Kent and Milton Bradley are going to kill each other. Kent criticized Bradley over the weekend, Bradley now says Kent doesn't deal well with blacks. From everything I've ever read or heard about Kent, he is a humongous asshole and a redneck to boot. But here's the thing...Milton Bradley is FUCKING CRAZY. Seriously, crazy. Given the Dodgers season has been over for quite awhile, I cannot wait to see how this plays out, because there is no way this is a dead issue. I mean, I am fully expecting a complete meltdown in the dugout in the next week or so. Perhaps a baseball bat to the head even. Good times.

I've been watching "Wanted" on TNT the last few weeks, and I highly recommend it. Fast paced, good action sequences, serviceable dialogue. The one catch - you need to get over the fact Lumbergh (Hello Peter, what's happening...) is the boss of this elite task force.

Bye bye jackass Bob Huggins. Never thought much of him as a coach, and won't be sad to see him go. But I do wonder what kind of dog and pony show the Cincy administration is running. Why the hell didn't they just get rid of him in May when they decided not to renew his deal? If the answer is they enjoyed hanging him out to dry, I like it.

Our one link today comes from GTB non-reader James of NYC. I'll let him set it up..."Most shocking thing about this article is that Gooden can still be driving a 2004 beamer."


  1. OK fellas, thanks for stopping by.

  2. TJ, you have a fantastic site. Keep it up.

    But while I'm here, I thought maybe you'd be interested in a 1982 Buick LeSabre. She runs like a charm, purrs like a kitten, some might say. Automatic transmission, A/C, and just a toddler at 126,00 miles. You'll be driving this car to your grandkids' graduation with the life left in this magnificent vehicle. Stylish faux-Corinthian-pleather interior, a glove compartment big enough to hold an infant, and a trunk you could live out of if it came down to it. Newish brake pads, whitewalls, and a stunning, formerly state-of-the-art AM/8-track stereo with three 8-tracks thrown in just because you have a great blog (REO Speedwagon's "You Can Tune a Piano But You Can't Tunafish, "The Best of Burt Bacharach," and "It's a Muppet World After All"). You're a big guy? Not a problem in the Bu, baby. Stretch those big stilts out as you drive like the stylin', profilin' champ of the world that you are. Headroom? You betcha. You can wear that smooth Fedora inside that car, you betcha. Back seat room? Let's just say you could deliver the good wood to not one but two of them lovely fiancees of yours in the back at one time with spare room to have a cheerleader watch and videotape the whole thing, and chances are good to great it's already happened back there if you don't believe me. Just because you're a cool guy, and because you've got a great blog, I can make you a one-time offer of sixteen-five, throwing in not one set of seat beads but two, as well as -- I hesitate to do this, but your blog is so funny . . . okay, what the hell, a like-new set of wiper blades and one plastic drink holder for your coffee, seltzer, or you-know-what (wink wink). TJ, my man, let's talk. What do I have to do to put you behind the wheel, chum?

    Come on by and have a look, and keep writing that funny stuff!

    Your New Ride

    Honestly, if the Internet Marketing Guy's strategy is to make money by posting on Gheorghe: The Blog with crap links, he'll be out of work very, very soon.

  3. "J.K. doesn't discriminate against anybody. He ignores Latinos, blacks and whites equally." -- Astros slugger Lance Berkman, on former teammate Jeff Kent, in the Houston Chronicle.
