Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Ditka vs. God in a golf match...

Dit-ka! I am off to Chicago for work, my first time in the home of Da Bears, so why not pay homage to Bob Swerski and his band of Super Fans. Still one of the greatest SNL bits of all time...

* Well, Poopy dropped Number 17 in a row last night. By the time I return from Chicago, these clowns could be knocking on the '88 Orioles' door. Last night, Poopy threw 21 year old Zack Greinke at the Mariners. The kid's made 25 starts this year. He's 3-14 (leads the AL in losses, and yep, he was once a member of my fantasy team). Thank god (for him) he's old enough to drink.

* There hasn't been a whole lot of Nationals chatter lately, so I thought I'd throw the boys a bone. Apparently, the start of another sure-to-be wretched Redskins season means ignoring a team that is only 1/2 game out of the NL wild card. Their demise was vastly exaggerated. All Houston's recent tear did was give them a 1/2 game lead in the wild card race? Big fucking deal. That wouldn't concern me a bit, and here's why - 25 of the Nats final 38 games will be in the friendly confines of RFK, where they are 34-22 on the year. I see no reason why we won't be watching Nats playoff baseball while the Skins start 0-4 (well, other than the fact Frank Robinson continues to run Cristian Guzman** out on the field night after night). Brad Lidge has recently decided to join K-Rod and Mo Rivera in blowing very winnable games. The Phillies play in an atrocious ballpark, with a far more questionable staff than the Nats. The Marlins have yet to figure out the season began, and the poor Mets have guys kicking each others ass in the OF. I am looking forward to a few playoff posts about the Chocolate City Nine (especially if my Yankees continue to struggle to beat the D-Rays).

**Cristian Guzman Update: He was 0-4 Monday night (rain out yesterday), and he's now batting .188. However, he would be a star on Poopy.

"If I may shift gears for a moment gentleman, Coach Ditka vs. The Hurricane, who would win?"
"Ditka, Ditka!!"
"Hold on, Hold on, Hold on. The name of the Hurricane is Hurricane Ditka..."


  1. Christian Guzman can smoke a stiff bone. I want him to feel childbirth-like pains for weeks and weeks on end. The funny thing is, Frankie keeps pummeling him publicly. Saying things like, "even guys in Class Z ball can make plays that Guzman isn't making." So, what would a Class Z manager do dickface?? Hmm, would they keep trodding his pathetic .188 average and league-leading 16 errors out there every night?? Sure they would...

  2. Cristian Guzman would be the third-best shortstop on any team. That includes our softball team, and those of you who've been out to watch the Angry Men know that to be true. He may have the worst average in Major League Baseball, but at least he boots routine grounders in the most inopportune moments with amazing regularity.

  3. Whit, should we duplicate the Wiz bet with the Nats?

  4. I'm still reeling from having to buy a case of Coors Light and I cannot root against the scrappy Nats, but yeah, you're on.

  5. Well then I'll help you out...the Nats make the playoffs, you owe me a case of Natty Light bottles...the Nats miss the playoffs, I owe you a case of PBR.
