Friday, October 08, 2004

Putana Da Seatbeltz

Wow, I will never make fun of Southwest Airlines again after the high quality service American Airlines just provided. That is one happy, efficient, and functional crew you've put together American (I apologize if the sarcasm is leaking onto your keyboard). Next time, just kick me in the groin and jam my head in the toilet before take off - the flight would be 100 times better.

Is it OK if I shoot the guy from work in the face who started three sentences (THREE) in a row with "At the end of the day..."? You know what buddy, I'm thinking today I'm just gonna work "inside the box", if that's OK with you - just me, inside the box, not feeling real adventurous, not going anywhere (This is a small glimpse into what I actually think about when I'm supposed to be listening to people talk. I mean, I would've listened, if he hadn't sucked so much).

Juan Pierre apparently played every inning of every game this year. And for what? All he really wanted was a fifteen cent sip of soda and just one rib.

Currently Yankees 8, Twins 1 through 8. Kevin Brown is taking baby steps away from Douchebag of the Year.

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